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Ghosts - S3-E1

Character mistake: When Gus goes to check the source of the creepy phone call, he finds Shawn who immediately ends the call before saying anything. Later in the episode, Haversham says he heard Shawn say "Gus?" before ending the call.


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Psych the Musical - S7-E15

Question: This episode aired after the chief was fired and after Juliet found out Shawn wasn't a psychic, but the chief is in it and Juliet doesn't know he's faking, so was this episode shot before season 7, and just aired after?


Chosen answer: "Psych: The Musical" was supposed to air during the regular season 7 schedule, before Chief Vick is suspended and Jules discovers Shawn's lie, but the network decided to push it back to air as a special episode, sort of as a tie in with the holiday season and a lead in to season 8, which was to begin only a couple of months later.

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