Trivia: (POSSIBLE SPOILER) When Masuka brings up the list of doctors authorized to get the M99, Dexter removes his alias note that Dexter's fake alias (used to get the M99 tranquilizer) is Dr. Patrick Bateman. Patrick Bateman is the lead character of "American Psycho". This was most likely an intentional "easter egg" of sorts within the show.

Trivia: Jack (Alec Baldwin) is talking to Liz about how they sold his voice while he was in college. And he mentions that they used it for a Wu-Tang Clan video and Thomas the Tank Engine. Alec Baldwin played the narrator in the Thomas the Tank Engine feature film.

Trivia: The title of every episode is a reference to a song. For example, "Everybody Was Best Friend Fighting" refers to "Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting" and so forth.

Trivia: When Mimi comes to the Richmond farm and Stanley refers to her as "Uncle Sam," what Bonnie signs to him is "Uncle Sam is prettier."

Scary Sherry: Bianca's Toast - S1-E15
Trivia: In this episode, Chelan Simmons (Bianca), dies by getting electrocuted. In Final Destination 3, her other film, she also dies by getting electrocuted.

Trivia: Hiro's dad's license plate says NCC1701 (the actor playing Dad is "Star Trek's" Lieutenant Sulu), which is the registration number of the USS Enterprise on "Star Trek."

Trivia: Torchwood is an anagram for Doctor Who, the show of which this series is a spin-off.

This One Time at Space Camp... - S4-E18
Trivia: At the 1990 Space Camp, the Awesome Possums say the "way of thermal propulsion" is "Thrust first! Thrust hard! No mercy!" This is play on the 1984 film, "Karate Kid" where Cobra Kai students say the "way of the fist" is "Strike first! Strike hard! No mercy!"

Trivia: The working title for "Life on Mars" was "Ford Granada" - a reference to the car that appeared in the 1970s Police Drama "The Sweeney". Related trivia: when "Life On Mars" was screened by a German TV Network, it was retitled "Gefangen in den 70ern" which translates into English as "Trapped In The 70s"

Trivia: As Coach Taylor is looking for his hat, it's discovered that his little daughter Gracie Belle is holding it. As he leans down to give her a kiss, you can see the initials KMC in marker pen on the inside of the hat's front piece. Those are the initials of Kyle Martin Chandler, the actor who portrayed Coach Taylor. (00:38:40)

Trivia: During the musical montage, there's a scene with dancing men wearing white shirts and jeans. During one move - when they kick in the air - you can see that the dancer in the center has ripped his jeans in the middle.