Gilligan's Island

Gilligan's Island (1964)

2 questions since 29 Jun '24, 05:14

(15 votes)

Answer: Gillian says, "While we're building him up, they're knocking him down." The Professor is talking about building Duke's strength up, and Gilligan is basically saying Ginger and Mary Ann are wearing Duke out by running around with him.


Love Me, Love My Skipper - S2-E20

Question: I never understood the "Monkey Wrench" part of this episode. Skipper deliberately puts a monkey wrench in his pocket, then asks Gilligan if he has seen it. In a different scene, Gilligan sees the wrench in Skipper's pocket and tells him he notices he found it. I never understand the relevance of this whole part in relation to the actual storyline (Skipper thinking he was not invited to the Howells' cotillion). What was the idea here?

Answer: He hid the monkey wrench and acted like he misplaced it, as an excuse to visit the other people on the island to see if they got an invitation to the party too.


Man with a Net - S3-E7

Revealing mistake: Near the end of the episode, all the castaways are passed out cold when Lord Beasley finally catches his butterfly. Right after saying the line "That's the trouble with you Americans - you simply don't know how to hold your tea" as he's exiting off camera, Mrs. Howell starts to open her eyes slightly, but then quickly shuts them again. Perhaps she thought the cameras stopped rolling.

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Eunice Wentworth "Lovey" Howell: Anyone who says money can't buy happiness doesn't know where to shop.

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