Captain Jack - S1-E3
Trivia: The episode "Captain Jack" was the first time a toilet was shown on TV; the boys buy a baby alligator and Wally is shown putting it in the toilet tank. The network censors were so spooked by the thought of showing a toilet on television that they delayed the episode. And when the censors finally relented, the compromise allowed only the toilet tank to be shown, not the bowl.
Captain Jack - S1-E3
Trivia: The gentleman at the alligator farm is the same one who plays Uncle Billy later on.
Trivia: Phyllis Coates, who plays the new neighbor Mrs. Donaldson, played Lois Lane in the first season of the Superman TV series in the 1950s.
Trivia: The sign painted on the model train set reads "J.C. & B.M. R.R.", a reference to producers Joe Connelly and Bob Mosher. (00:13:30)
Trivia: Toward the end of the episode, Penny calls Wally and they start to fight over the phone. We hear speeded-up "chipmunk" dialogue to simulate Penny's side of the conversation. The dialogue is actually bits and pieces of Penny's lines from earlier in the episode - complete with the laugh track.
Trivia: William Woodson, who plays the movie theater manager, is a retired voice artist. His voice can be heard narrating during the opening credits of the Odd Couple TV series; he's also done voices for Superfriends and WKRP in Cincinnati.