
Heroes (2006)

68 mistakes

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Hiros - S1-E5

Continuity mistake: When Peter says that he can finish Isaac's painting himself, Peter raises a paintbrush up to his chin in thought, but in the next shot the brush has disappeared. (00:30:35)

Cubs Fan

Kindred - S2-E3

Continuity mistake: When Claire and West are talking about their abilities on the beach, the close up shots of Claire show that she is wearing earrings, the camera goes to West but when it focuses on Claire again she is no longer wearing them.

One of Us, One of Them - S3-E3

Factual error: When Hiro and Ando stand in front of a cinema in Berlin, Germany, you can see three movies posters in the background announcing a Buster Keaton festival. The left one shows his movie 'Cops' - but the German title 'Politzisten' is wrong - it should be 'Polizisten'. (00:09:55)

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Suggested correction: It's not a dark jacket. It's still his shirt but since he's in the shadows, it just looks darker. You even see when the light swings you can catch a glimpse of the shirt.


Distractions - S1-E14

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Sylar and Mrs. Bennet begin to talk, she becomes suspicious about his interest in Claire. When Mrs. Bennet picks up the phone to call her husband, Sylar visibly moves his finger to use his telekinetic power right before the angle changes. In the next shot, Sylar again does the same motion with his finger, but this time the phone is removed from Mrs. Bennet's hand.


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Trivia: The artwork created by character Isaac Mendez is actually done by Tim Sales, a comic book artist who is actually color blind. He does all his work in black and white and has other people insert the color.


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Run! - S1-E15

Question: Hope the showgirl locks Hiro in a small closet. He makes several unsuccessful attempts to escape by running and charging towards the door. Why doesn't he simply teleport out? Surely a lot simpler and a lot less painful?


Chosen answer: Hiro's powers are still quite unreliable, and a locked closet door isn't a huge obstacle. Since Hiro knows he needs to rescue Ando, it's probably safer to try and bash the door down than risk teleporting to the wrong place or time.

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