Plot hole: 8-22 "Love Thy Neighbor, Take His Wife": The police cars speed to Tanaka's house with their sirens screaming, warning him in plenty of time to allow him to escape. Apparently these guys never heard of the law-enforcement standard "silent approach."
Plot hole: 8-22 "Love Thy Neighbor, Take His Wife": McGarrett has two unexplained clairvoyant moments in this episode. First, he divines that the Indian-style headband is turquoise without seeing it. Then, after the kidnappers' phone call proves untraceable, he somehow knows that it was made from a specific pay phone.
Answer: He was fired. He never really appreciated his character. He felt Kono was portrayed as a big dumb Hawaiian and that the stereotype was racist. He also felt underutilized. He was fired after a heated argument with the show's publicist regarding his character. It seems there's not much details given regarding the incident or the firing, so it's seems possible he upset the show's producers as well.
No he said something derogatory about one of the Jewish producers that's why he was fired.