Trivia: Despite the character's current massive popularity, Deadpool only made three unofficial cameos on this show, as the character was not nearly as popular in the early 90s. Once as a mental projection during a psychic session between Professor X and Sabretooth in the season 1 episode "Deadly Reunions"; as an illusion created by the dark side of Professor X's consciousness in the season 3 episode "The Phoenix Saga Part 2: The Dark Shroud"; and as form that Morph took during a confrontation with Wolverine in the season 2 episode "Whatever It Takes." Deadpool was set to make his first official appearance in a television series in the second season of "Wolverine and the X-Men", but that show was canceled before this ever came to fruition.
X-Men (1992)
22 trivia entries for show generally
Starring: Alyson Court, Cathal J. Dodd, George Buza, Norm Spencer
Days of Future Past: Part 2 - S1-E12
Factual error: When Gambit is inside his mini-jet after escaping from Bishop and Wolverine, his radar screen says "Washington D.C." but the graphic above it is Washington state.
More quotes from X-Men
Question: Was this show cancelled or simply ended?
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Answer: It appears a number of factors led to its demise. It was originally intended to air for 65 episodes, but its popularity extended that. However, there were continual production quality problems, issues regarding whether the content was suitable enough for children, as well as financial considerations that finally led to it being ended.
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