Factual error: When Dr. Essex is walking through the museum with Charles Darwin, a fully-assembled dinosaur fossil is on display. This scene takes place in London in 1859, but the first ever dinosaur to be displayed didn't occur until 1868 in Philadelphia. (00:03:55)
Bloodlines - S5-E6
Factual error: When Rogue tricks the Friends of Humanity into firing on their own helicopters, two men are shown to be immediately parachuting from the helicopter at an altitude of at most, 100 feet. This wouldn't really be possible because jumping from such a low altitude would require the person to immediately deploy the parachute, which in this case would cause the parachute to be torn to shreds by the helicopter's rotor. If a person jumped from that altitude and deployed the parachute after free falling enough to clear the rotor, they would have fallen too far for the parachute to have been effective in allowing them to land safely, if the parachute even opened before they hit the ground. (00:16:30)

Factual error: When Omega Red is shown a photograph of Hawaii, the island of Niihau is missing, and Kauai is too close to Oahu. (00:03:15)
Factual error: Wolverine is able to call the mansion from a payphone without depositing any money, nor is he shown to be using a prepaid phone card or making a collect call. (00:09:40)
Factual error: Even though Xavier is a paraplegic, you can see him freely moving his legs when the astronaut helps him out of his seat and walk over to Beast. (00:04:20)
Weapon X, Lies, and Video Tape - S3-E19
Factual error: Beast inserts the video tape into the VCR upside-down. (00:13:00)
Savage Land, Strange Heart (2) - S3-E9
Factual error: The amount of rubble that falls on Storm and buries her should have crushed her to death. (00:18:30 - 00:19:20)
Savage Land, Strange Heart (1) - S3-E8
Factual error: The amount of rubble that falls onto Sauron would have easily killed him, as his mutant powers do not include the ability to be impervious to heavy damage. (00:18:30)

Factual error: At the end of the episode when Carol Danvers is shown comatose, there is an EEG machine next to her bed. This machine monitors brain activity and uses electrodes on the patient's head in doing so. She has no electrodes placed on her head, and the machine isn't detecting activity in her brain. (00:20:37)

Factual error: Whenever the comatose Carol Danvers is shown in her hospital bed, she is wearing a pink turtleneck. A coma patient wouldn't be dressed in their own personal clothing. It could obstruct doctors and nurses in an emergency. She would be wearing a hospital gown. (00:09:19 - 00:20:45)
Factual error: When Xavier is getting ready to get back into his hoverchair, you can see him raise himself to his knees, even though he is a paraplegic. (00:13:43)

Night of the Sentinels: Part 1 - S1-E1
Factual error: When the Sentinel reaches out to try to grab the dog, it smashes its hand against the grass and produces numerous cracks in the lawn with a metal clanging sound. Neither of these things would happen. The grass would have a bunch of divots in it, and the sound would be similar to something heavy falling in dirt. (00:02:09)