Plot hole: After Wolverine tells Gambit that he only knows how to pick pockets and steal candy from babies, Gambit attempts to retaliate by kinetically charging one of the bricks Wolverine is working with in order for it to blow up in his face. Anything Gambit kinetically charges makes a high-pitched humming sound, and Wolverine possesses a superhuman sense of hearing, so he should not have been caught unaware by it. (00:06:55)
Plot hole: Towards the end of this episode, Jean Grey nearly falls to her death when a concussion blast from Cable's gun knocks her off a cliff, only for her to be saved at the last moment by Rogue. Apparently Jean Grey and the writers for the episode forgot that her telekinetic powers give her limited flight ability as well as the ability to slow falls, both of which she has demonstrated in other episodes.