Trivia: The Christmas Special that aired in 1995, was initially intended as the series' finale, and would have seen Victor being killed while saving Margaret who was being attacked by a madman. The 1997 special was then intended to end the series with Margaret dying from a heart attack brought on from the strain of Victor's misadventures, but on both occasions the production crew got cold feet. It wasn't until the final series in 2000 that the team, in David Renwick's words, "plucked up the courage to kill Victor."
One Foot in the Grave (1990)
1 trivia entry
Starring: Annette Crosbie, Richard Wilson, Doreen Mantle, Owen Brenman
Genres: Comedy
Revealing mistake: A minute or so after the health and fitness instructer dies, we see her lying flat out on her back. If you look carefully, you can see her chest moving up and down and breathing despite being dead. (00:13:05)
Suggested correction: If you actually watch the whole episode you will find she didn't die at all.
Talking rubbish I think, she did die. Maybe you're confusing her with the old lady who fainted?
At what point in the show did they reveal the instructor didn't die? It was the old lady who had just fainted.
I'm a big fan of this comedy and have probably watched each episode 20 times! I struggle to recall any mention of the fitness instructor not being dead.
Victor Meldrew: I don't believe it!
Question: In what episode of "One Foot in the Grave" does Mr. Meldrew pick up the sausage dog belonging to the next door neighbour as a telephone?
Chosen answer: The episode is 'The Pit and the Pendulum' The first episode of series 4.
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