The Tigers are Coming Affair - S2-E8
Revealing mistake: The underwater bomb, according to the bad guys' dialogue, is supposed to be triggered by a boat hitting a tripwire strung between two buoys. But it explodes when the boat is still several feet away from the buoys. (00:44:30)
The Never-Never Affair - S1-E25
Plot hole: Mr. Varner spots Illya down the street and says, "I think he's another U.N.C.L.E. agent." His uncertainty is odd: he helped identify and chase Illya earlier in the episode, so he already knew to be fact what he only "thinks" in this later scene. (00:38:35)

The Concrete Overcoat Affair (1) - S3-E11
Continuity mistake: The recuperating Solo has a towel on his forehead. But as he's telling Pia his name, the towel disappears between shots. (00:19:20)
The Deadly Decoy Affair - S1-E15
Continuity mistake: When he's on the hospital gurney, Stryker's hands are extended over his head in one shot, and in the very next, they're tucked down under the covers. (00:43:55)
The Round Table Affair - S2-E27
Factual error: Artie refers to Illya as "an American citizen abroad," and Illya agrees, apparently forgetting that he isn't. (He's a Russian citizen.). (00:03:00)
The Adriatic Express Affair - S2-E13
Continuity mistake: In all the interior shots, the overnight express train is fully booked and crowded with people. But in the exterior shots, we're shown a train with all the lights on inside - and not a single person aboard. (00:44:35)
The Bridge of Lions Affair (2) - S2-E21
Revealing mistake: Illya's car collides with Madame de Sala's. But it's very obvious that the cars don't actually strike each other, and later shots of her vehicle show no damage at all where it was supposedly hit. (00:26:00)
The Prince of Darkness Affair (1) - S4-E4
Factual error: Solo is supposedly in Iran, yet there are scores of women in the crowd wearing skimpy, sleeveless tops and mini-skirts. Even in the Shah's Westernized Iran of the 1960s, this was still a Muslim country. Women (including tourists) were not permitted to appear in public without "modestly" covering their arms and legs. (00:11:00)
The Seven Wonders of the World Affair (1) - S4-E15
Revealing mistake: Illya flies a helicopter to the Himalayas in search of Solo, and at the same time, Kingsley's men are loading an unconscious Solo into another copter. Not only do the two helicopters look suspiciously similar - they have the exact same registration number: N73959. (00:44:40 - 00:46:30)
Factual error: Thrush lands a rather large private jet right next to its secret lab. In the Arabian desert. In the sand. Without a runway. (00:39:20)
The Matterhorn Affair - S3-E24
Continuity mistake: Illya slams the door on the approaching gunman and holds it with his foot until the lock is turned, then lowers his leg. Cut to a wider shot, and he takes his foot off the door all over again. (00:35:45)
The It's All Greek to Me Affair - S3-E21
Continuity mistake: The table with the code papers resting on it is smashed during the fight in the final act. Yet, when the fight is nearly over, the table has restored itself with the papers still on it, only to be squashed all over again. (00:45:00 - 00:47:05)
The Test Tube Killer Affair - S4-E2
Revealing mistake: The stolen green sedan has normal windows in exterior shots. But in all the closer views (shot in-studio and processed with rear-screen projection), the car has no glass in its windshield. (00:41:00)
The Birds and the Bees Affair - S2-E18
Visible crew/equipment: The shadow of someone who's not in the shot intrudes on the right side of the screen as Solo exits the communications room and enters the corridor. (00:02:15)
The Very Important Zombie Affair - S2-E15
Visible crew/equipment: Captain Ramirez's car has a flat on a dirt road in the middle of the jungle. But on his car door, there's a clear reflection of a big square studio reflector and four klieg lights. (00:23:00)
The Five Daughters Affair (2) - S3-E29
Factual error: Somehow, Thrush lands its big jumbo jet at the polar ice cap. In the snow. Without a runway. (00:33:05)
Continuity mistake: Solo's white gloves are on, off, and on again between takes as he and Albert run from the courtyard, search for the control room, and then finally go back for Illya. (00:44:15)
The Yo-Ho-Ho and a Bottle of Rum Affair - S3-E19
Continuity mistake: The ship we see steaming out of Hong Kong (with Illya aboard) is shown later out on the open sea - only it's not the same ship. The first was painted black: the ship we see later is white. (00:05:25 - 00:08:30)
The Alexander the Greater Affair (1) - S2-E1
Plot hole: Bad guys tie lousy knots. Solo's bonds at the end are so loose that he easily slips his feet free to stop the swinging blade. And the rope across his chest does nothing to pinion his elbows or lower arms. He could have reached up with his hands to catch the blade at any time. (00:44:30)
The Deadly Quest Affair - S4-E8
Continuity mistake: Solo and Sheila are against a brick wall with a pipe just behind them as Karmak's leopard approaches. There's a long shot of them edging away to the left, away from the pipe. But in the next close-up, they're back at the same spot with the pipe behind them again. (00:41:55)
Answer: He must have ridden in an Eaton's store elevator while he was in Canada at some point. For some reason, this elevator reminds him of it. The show's original concept had Solo being a Canadian, so this may be a minor nod to that fact.
raywest ★