Revealing mistake: Throughout numerous episodes while the team is supposed to be driving the van, the gear selector can be seen in the "park" position.
Revealing mistake: When Hannibal drives the blue car into the sheriff's office trying to get arrested, the wooden jump ramp is visible.

Revealing mistake: When Murdoch is flying, the man sitting next to him is replaced with a dummy in the wide shots.
Recipe for Heavy Bread - S2-E2
Revealing mistake: After the chopper joins the chase, it's easy to tell the difference between the real actors and the stunt crew as their appearance alternates between action angles, and the close ups.
The Only Church in Town - S2-E3
Revealing mistake: The ground is very firm until the guy B.A. throws lands and you can see the patch of soft area he is to land in.
Labor Pains - S2-E8
Revealing mistake: The Ballot Box label is written backwards: TOLLAB XOB. May be an indication that the shot was flipped. (41:50).
Cup A' Joe - S3-E14
Revealing mistake: After Hannibal gets the two goons in the van and takes off, if you look through the driver's window, you can see the van rocking, but the trees behind them aren't moving as they should.
Cup A' Joe - S3-E14
Revealing mistake: As Hannibal pulls the semi into the loading bay, the dust runs toward the tires from behind rather than away from the front, showing that the shot was run in reverse.
Waste 'Em! - S3-E21
Revealing mistake: As the garbage truck follows Hannibal's van, when the camera has a wide shot of the goons in the garbage truck, you can the background scenery over the driver's left shoulder never moves.

There Goes the Neighborhood - S4-E10
Revealing mistake: When Hannibal jumps off the tank, he is replaced with an obviously younger stunt double who wears a blatant wig.

There Goes the Neighborhood - S4-E10
Revealing mistake: Murdock fires rockets at the house from the road in front, but the basketball hoop explodes from behind the board, revealing the hidden explosive FX.

Revealing mistake: When Face is hit on the back with the wooden stick, the stick bends, revealing it's made of foam.

Revealing mistake: When the A-Team's van is chasing the red car, Hannibal's head is turned sideways. One can see it's a stunt double because of the fake bulky wig.
Chosen answer: The "H" stands for Hector. The "M" is never explained in the series.
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