Question: I still cannot understand the dynamic of the plane crash. I mean, the tail breaks off at mid-air, and crashes into the let's say 'south' side of the island. The mid-section will end up at the other side ('north') and the cockpit crashes in the middle of the island, between the tail and the mid-section? I know this island is weird and full of mysteries, but this crash seems a little too bizarre. Any thoughts?
Question: When we find out about Locke's past, is Locke angry because his Dad just left him or what? I didn't really understand why he was so upset.
Answer: Locke's father him came to him under the guise of wanting to reconnect as father and son, but in actuality was only using Locke to get one of his kidneys for donation. Once he got that he brutally rejected Locke, admitting the con outright and flat out admitting there was no room for Locke in his life nor any desire to make room. He told Locke he never wanted to see him again and when Locke pursued a relationship his father continued to reject Locke outright and finally went as far as to move in the middle of the night.
Question: I know that on most flights, the animals are stored in the bottom section with the luggage. If the plane crashed, how did Vincent the dog survive?
Answer: We know that the tail section of the plane was torn off in mid-air, which would have exposed the luggage section - luggage seems to have been scattered over a reasonably wide area, so it was presumably falling out from that point onwards. The most likely scenario is that Vincent's carrier was ejected before the actual impact and Vincent survived the fall to the ground (it seems that his carrier was damaged enough that he could get out).
Question: I was just wondering what those things are that Charlie wears on his fingers. He wears them in the first few episodes, and writes stuff on them, and stops wearing them at about episode 6. They look kind of like plasters. I was just wondering if anyone knew what they were?
Answer: I think they are exactly that - plasters...a bit like someone who would wear a wristband saying hope/fate or something like that.
Answer: One plausible sequence of events is as follows. The tail section breaks off first and hits the ocean on the 'south' side. The plane is obviously not flying in a stable fashion at this point, and the loss of the tail is only going to make matters worse - it begins to tumble in mid-air, flipping end over end. Under those circumstances, it would be entirely plausible that the nose section could end up between the tail and the mid-section.
Tailkinker ★