The Andy Griffith Show

The Andy Griffith Show (1960)

23 mistakes since 9 Jan '22, 11:23

(63 votes)

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Factual error: The badges they wear don't match the badges on their patches. If there's a badge on the patch, it's supposed to match their actual badge.

terry s

The Bed Jacket - S3-E12

Character mistake: In the first scene of the show, Andy, Opie and the mayor are on a pier fishing a lake. They are casting with deep sea reels. If you've ever tried casting with a deep sea reel, it doesn't work out well. You can see there no equipment on the poles.

terry s

Barney Fife, Realtor - S5-E16

Character mistake: Barney claims he would be losing $3478 on the real estate deal not going through. Considering the houses only were selling for that amount or less there is no way he was making that amount of money on 5% commission.

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Suggested correction: I have no idea where you got the idea the houses were being sold for less than $4K. In the beginning Barney says Andy could get $24,000 for his house and $27,500 for the Williams' house (which is also how he got the figure that Andy can get into the Williams' house for $3,500, that's not the price of the house). Those 2 houses alone are $51,500 and 5% would be $2575, and he was losing out on 2 more houses.


That has bothered me forever! I thought the house Andy was thinking of buying was 3500 not 35000! Now the amount of commission makes sense although 35000 is LOT for a house in North Carolina in the early 60's! Thank you for clearing that up.

Just watched that episode and yes, you are correct on the math. But my problem is, new houses in this era were around $8000 - $8500 new, so these older houses would have been worth nowhere near $24-$27k.

The Andy Griffith Show mistake picture

The New Doctor - S1-E24

Visible crew/equipment: After Barney tells Andy he overheard Dr. Benson and Ellie "talking marriage" while spying on them, Andy heads over to the drugstore. Then, when Barney enters the jail cell, we can see a crew member's fingers (at the lower right edge of the bars, behind the wall) push the cell door closed. (00:19:45)

Super Grover

The Sermon for Today - S4-E4

Visible crew/equipment: At the end, when Dr. Breen tells the very tired group, "You all look as serene and relaxed as if you'd just finished listening to a pleasant band concert," in the next shot facing the porch, the shadow of the boom mic is moving around between the two windows above Clara and Andy, at the top of the screen.

Super Grover

Gomer the House Guest - S4-E6

Continuity mistake: In earlier episodes, we are told that Gomer can't do mechanic work. He just pumps gas and air: "There's no charge for air; air is free; we don't make no charge for air." But in this episode, Gomer has become an ace master mechanic.

Rebecca Venter

The Darlings Are Coming - S3-E25

Continuity mistake: When Briscoe gets into his truck, his hat is wet from dipping it (5x) in a horse trough. The camera cuts away to Andy and immediately back to Briscoe, whose hat is now dry. Also, "she's always hood for 11 hat fulls," yet Briscoe only puts 5 hats of water in his engine.

Rebecca Venter

The Andy Griffith Show mistake picture

The Church Benefactors - S8-E20

Visible crew/equipment: At the start of the finance committee meeting, when Clara walks into the office modelling the choir robe, the shadow of the boom mic is visible on the door, in the top right corner of the screen. White tape marks are also visible on the floor, as Clara twirls in the choir robe. (00:08:15)

Super Grover

Andy and Opie, Housekeepers - S1-E23

Continuity mistake: When Aunt Bee leaves the house holding her suitcase, in the interior shot the suitcase lid faces out as Bee exits the front door, but in the next exterior shot the suitcase now faces the opposite way (note the rivets) as Bee continues to walk out the front door. (00:04:05)

Super Grover

Opie's Group - S8-E9

Andy: Clara, sometimes a parent can't see what he should do, and sometimes it takes a person from the outside to show him. And I'd like to thank you.
Clara: Groovy.

Super Grover

More quotes from The Andy Griffith Show

Trivia: In Walker's Drugstore, among all the magazines by the wall there's a TV Guide magazine (from Oct 9, 1954) on the shelf, and on its cover is Lucille Ball the co-owner of Desilu Productions - which produced TAGS, and also filmed at Desilu Studios.

Super Grover

More trivia for The Andy Griffith Show

Answer: In S3 x E11 Convicts-at-Large, there is a character named Big Maude Tyler, who is the leader of three female escaped convicts. Andy listens to the radio as the news announcer says that Big Maude's aliases include Clarice or Annabelle Tyler and also one amusingly named Ralph Henderson.

Super Grover

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