Plot hole: In the episode "That's my Boy" when they bring Richie home from the hospital, Rob and Laura are living in the new house they have. However, in the episode "Where did I come from" when Laura went in to labor, they lived in a different house. They couldn't have moved while Laura was in the hospital.
Continuity mistake: The buildings seen from the window of Rob's office change in different episodes.
Other mistake: Mainly in "Who Stole My Watch?" and 2 other episodes the the Petries and the Helpers talk about the Helpers dog, but there is no dog, the dog doesn't have a name they keep saying "our dog" or "their dog", and there's no dog house, water bowl or food bowls for a dog at their house in any episode.
Continuity mistake: The number of glass "pea pod" shaped sphere balls change through out the series. In "Don't Trip Over That Mountain" there were only 3 spheres. In several episodes there were 4 spheres and in others there were 5 of them.
Other mistake: The crew members behind the camera are talking to each other and taking pictures when Rob and Laura kiss, throughout the series in a few episodes you can hear the camera shutter sound.
Other mistake: Any time Rob has to go to a doctor or to Jerry to get his teeth worked on, if you look at the window behind him and whoever is working on him. It's the same buildings every time. Even though he goes to different doctors. Also, that window and the curtains are also the same exact windows and curtains in Robs office.
Continuity mistake: Every 4 episodes the table in the living room changes completely, one episode it's a huge oval table, in another it's a medium-sized round table, in another episode it turns into a very small round table, some times it's even a large egg shape.
Factual error: Rob mentions several times "I broke my cheek" if he actually broke his cheek we could see a spot there, either a divot in his face where the accident happened and was not fixed, or we would see a indent line from where they put stitches on his face. We see neither of these.
Deliberate mistake: While Rob is on his honeymoon, as well as 3 day pass, things like that, Rob still wears his army outfit. Yet in real life us real humans wouldn't be wearing the same clothes every time we were out. We would go home and change.
Factual error: Alan Brady and Mell's offices are a few floors up. Yet Rob, Buddy and Sally's office window shows that they are way higher up than Alan and Mell's office - you do not see the roof tops of buildings anywhere from Alans and Mell's offices.
The Sick Boy and the Sitter - S1-E1
Continuity mistake: The door in the kitchen is wide open in one scene and then the next time Laura and Rob go back into the kitchen the door is closed. (00:07:00 - 00:08:30)
The Sick Boy and the Sitter - S1-E1
Continuity mistake: In the opening scene when Laura answers the phone her hand is on the wall. The shot changes, her hand is now on her shirt.
The Sick Boy and the Sitter - S1-E1
Continuity mistake: Richie's room is completely different from this episode compared to the later episode "The Man from My Uncle."
The Sick Boy and the Sitter - S1-E1
Continuity mistake: The kitchen walls are completely different than the rest of the episodes. Also, there is no way to look into the living room from the kitchen at the sink. (They fixed that in episode 2 though).
The Sick Boy and the Sitter - S1-E1
Continuity mistake: In the 1st episode there are about 20 pictures behind the writers desk. Next episode... Gone, replaced with a giant bookshelf and a bunch of scripts. The bookshelf was behind the couch in the 1st episode.
Suggested correction: So they got a new bookshelf between episodes. Or they moved it from another, unseen part of the room.
I fixed it.
The Sick Boy and the Sitter - S1-E1
Continuity mistake: The whole kitchen is completely different from episode 2 onward till the end of the series. (Episode 2 onward it looks the same except for the outside behind the sliding glass door but the background is also flat. The house(s) and trees are flat, there are also no birds out there making any noise).
The Blonde-Haired Brunette - S1-E2
Continuity mistake: In "Sick boy and the Sitter" the door to the writers room says "Allen Brady Show WRITING STAFF" in a nice 3D all bold caps type font (except for the 1st "N"). In this episode the door then says "Alan Beady Show STAFF WRITERS" also all caps, not bold, and not 3D type font.
Sally and the Lab Technician - S1-E3
Continuity mistake: When Jamie Farr the "Snappy Service" guy comes in and gives everyone their coffee Buddy throws a straw into the straw cup, but it falls down on the floor then vanishes, never to be seen again.
Oh How We Met the Night That We Danced - S1-E5
Other mistake: When Rob is dancing with Laura and is supposed to step on her foot, his foot lands so far away from hers, it doesn't even appear that he stepped on it.
Harrison B. Harding of Camp Crowder, Mo. - S1-E6
Factual error: This is the only episode that Harrison is seen, mentioned or even talked about. But in all the rest of this series there is no Harrison. Both Harrison and Rob mention that he was the guy on the spot light fir the shows... But not one time did we see a spotlight on Rob in any of the episodes.