The Vicar of Dibley

Elections - S1-E5

Visible crew/equipment: After David is announced councilor, Hugo invites Geraldine in to a "celebration". Just at the beginning of the shot from inside the living room, there is a shadow that passes over the chair directly in front of the camera.

Dibley Live - S2-E2

Audio problem: During the scene where Jim and Owen are trying to bribe the Vicar with chocolates, just after they take them back, you can hear a mysterious voice say "chocolates". The only person who this sounds like is Jim, but in the next shot, his lips aren't moving.

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Alice: I'm all ears. Well I'm not all ears... I'm face and tummy and legs and lots of other bits, including some rather private bits I only let a doctor see. Only he wasn't a doctor, and he got arrested soon after.

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More trivia for The Vicar of Dibley

Elections - S1-E5

Question: At the end of this episode, there is a joke about two nuns in a bar with some soap. Does anyone understand the joke? I can't get it.

Answer: Yes - I think it was two nuns in the bathroom, and one says 'Wheres the soap' and the other one says 'Yes it does a bit''s a play on words. The first one is asking a question (Where is the soap) but the other one thinks she is saying 'WEARS the soap'.

Sam Johnson

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