Sketchy: I'm no stranger to stoner logic.
Logan Cale: Do not attempt to adjust your set. This is a streaming freedom video bulletin. This is a secure cable hack that will last exactly sixty seconds. It cannot be traced, it cannot be stopped and it is the only free voice left in the city.
Logan Cale: This has been a Streaming Freedom video. Peace, out.
Max Guevara: What the mind can conceive, the body can achieve.
Donald Lydecker: It was the best of you that ran away that night.
Max Guevara: Yeah, well, we wanted to start a rock band.
Jace: Feels like I just woke up from a bad dream.
Max Guevara: I know. One of the reasons why I don't sleep. Let me know if it's a boy or a girl.
Jace: Either way, name's gonna be Max.
Kendra: Where did you find cold-pressed virgin olive oil from Tuscany in this economy?
Max Guevara: I broke into the Italian embassy.
Max Guevara: " think I'll call you Alec, as in Smart Alec.
X5 494/"Alec": I can live with that.
Max Guevara: Good, cuz my second choice was Dick.
Logan Cale: In case you haven't caught on by now, this girl's gonna do what she's gonna do no matter what you or anyone else says, so you've got two choices: back off or pitch in.
Max Guevara: What he said.
Max Guevara: Ready?
X5 494/"Alec": I'm always ready.
Biggs: Funny that's what Lola said.
Max Guevara: What's that?
Alec/X5-494: It's a hole in my body made by a bullet.
Max Guevara: Been there, done that. Check the news.
Original Cindy: Damn girl, what's in those pills?
Max Guevara: Spinach.
Sketchy: You guys want to head back to Jam Pony?
Original Cindy: He can't.
Herbal: Not for a half hour.
Sketchy: Why not?
Herbal: Normal said if I made two more runs before lunch, he going to make me employee of the week.
Max Guevara: Are you sure about all this? Pierpont Lemkin and the Taliban after some Star Wars widget in a robotic arm somewhere? Next thing you're gonna tell me aliens are involved.
Logan Cale: Wouldn't rule it out.
Max Guevara: You heard the man.
Mole: Well this sucks.
Alec/X5-494: I fought the law and the law won.
Max Guevara: Guys are the weaker sex.
Ben: Nothing went wrong with me! I'm doing what I was made to do, what we were taught to do.
Max Guevara: Hunt people down to perform amateur dental surgery? I must've missed that class.
Answer: It's their job. They are bike messengers and have lockers to hold personal stuff.