Helga's Makeover/The Old Building - S1-E4
Trivia: Helga walks by the "Law Office of Garcia, James A."; Tricia Garcia is the storyboard artist for this episode.

Freeze Frame / Phoebe Cheats - S2-E8
Trivia: Arnold's computer is made by Purdy Electronics; Joseph Purdy wrote the episode.
Monkeyman! / Buses, Bikes and Subways - S5-E1
Trivia: The banana warehouse at the dock says "ROB RTSON" on top; Chris Robertson is one of the show's artists.
Crabby Author / Rich Kid - S3-E17
Trivia: The book publisher's name is "H. MacDonald"; Hugh MacDonald is a layout designer.
Downtown as Fruits / Eugene's Bike - S1-E1
Trivia: Eugene's bike has a "YOOJ" (pronounced like "Eugene" without the "een") license plate.
Sid's Revenge / Roller Coaster - S3-E8
Trivia: There are two versions of this episode. Originally, the closing credits appeared over the ending scene with Eugene going around and around in the roller coaster. When Nickelodeon switched to its "squeezed" credits format, a second version was created with the credits removed from that scene, and a new set of credits (over the "normal" credits background) added to the end. (This was later done with "Principal Simmons" as well.)
Benchwarmer / Cool Jerk - S1-E11
Trivia: The water tower at the end says "LOWTWATER"; Steve Lowtwait is a layout designer on the show.
Arnold Saves Sid / Hookey - S2-E7
Trivia: Arnold and Gerald's lockers are the only ones, or almost the only ones, that don't have padlocks on them.
Trivia: All of the cars seen in Hey Arnold! are classic cars. You never see any modern cars - cars made after 1979.
Trivia: Ms. Perfect is the only episode where Arnold does not have a single line.

Love and Cheese / Weighing Harold - S4-E7
Trivia: In 'Weighing Harold', when Arnold is in the comics store, there are comics in the background referencing other Nickelodeon shows, "Catdog" and "Spongebob Squarepants." The former had aired almost exactly a year before this episode did ('Catdog' premiered on 4/4/1998 and this episode on 4/7/1999). The later aired about a month after this episode.
Trivia: In this episode, Sid is voiced by Taylor Gifaldi, the younger brother of Sam Gifaldi, Sid's original voice actor. Sid was recast because Sam Gifaldi went through puberty.
Casa Paradiso / Gerald's Tonsils - S3-E3
Trivia: During the show's production, Gerald's voice actor, Jamil Walker Smith, went through puberty, which drastically deepened his voice. Since the production staff couldn't find a suitable replacement for Gerald, the episode "Gerald's Tonsils" was made to explain Gerald's voice change and allow Jamil to play Gerald for the remainder of the series.
Dinner for Four / Phoebe Skips - S4-E5
Trivia: These were the last two episodes to be made with traditional cel animation, before switching to digital ink and paint.

Timberly Loves Arnold / Eugene, Eugene! - S5-E22
Trivia: In "Timberly Loves Arnold", when Timberly shows Arnold her flower drawing, as Sid says, "Look, it's a flower named Arnold," part of his shirt is invisible in the first frame of the shot. This can only be spotted in slow motion or with pausing, therefore it's under trivia. (00:02:22)
Answer: No, he did not. He is seen getting off the bus with a suitcase, so he must have not been home for a few days so there is no way he could have known.
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