Hey Arnold!

Hey Arnold! (1996)

28 mistakes since 25 Aug '24, 00:00

(5 votes)

Hey Arnold! mistake picture

Tour de Pond / Teachers Strike - S2-E18

Other mistake: Tour de Pond: When Arnold, Gerald, and Grandpa are first shown at the Tour de Pond race, their ship is not sitting on the sidewalk, but rather on the edge of it, which makes it look like it’s floating in mid-air. (00:05:02)


Tour de Pond / Teachers Strike - S2-E18

Continuity mistake: Tour de Pond: When Arnold makes a boat out of a block of wood, there is a blue cup on the newspapers with gray scissors and another orange object in it. In the next shot, the cup becomes green, and the scissors and other object become pink. As the scene continues, they change colours a few more times. The pencils also become the same colour as the newspapers. (00:02:11 - 00:03:49)


Love and Cheese / Weighing Harold - S4-E7

Plot hole: Love and Cheese: This episode takes place at the Cheese Fair. However, the episode "Operation: Ruthless" also takes place at the Cheese Fair, and it is stated in that episode that the Cheese Fair is an annual event. It can't be that this episode takes place a year later, as the series takes place during the same fourth-grade school year.


Hey Arnold! mistake picture

Full Moon / Student Teacher - S4-E1

Revealing mistake: Full Moon: When Harold tells Arnold, "Remember when I said you didn't have any guts because you wouldn't moon Principal Wartz?" his mouth briefly disappears. This is easier to see in slow motion but is still visible at normal speed. (00:11:16)


The Aptitude Test / Oskar Gets a Job - S3-E9

Arnold: Look, you wanted me to help you get a job, and I did.
Oskar: Yeah, you did. Good for you. [To Grandma] I'll be right back, my beautiful Fatima!
Arnold: Your first day on the job, you said you had the stomach flu, and today, you said you had a bad back.
Oskar: What's your point?
Arnold: My point is, are you going to have another excuse tomorrow, or are you going to do your own job instead of making me do it for you?
Oskar: Arnold, of course I'm going to do my job, don't worry.
Arnold: Good.
Oskar: But I can't tomorrow, it's a national holiday from my old country, I forgot to tell you.
Arnold: That's it! I'm tired of all your excuses!
Oskar: Arnold, you seem a little cranky, maybe you should take a nap.
Arnold: Look, I only helped you because you said you were desperate. You said you wanted to change. I guess I was wrong. Mr. Kokoshka, I'm sorry, but you are a huge loser!


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The List/Haunted Train - S1-E8

Question: Why did that boy steal Arnold's ball? Was that the whole reason he came to the park? He seemed awfully obnoxious and destined to ruin Arnold's day, just wanting more clarity. Thank you.

Answer: The episode doesn't really elaborate on who the kid was and what his motives were, so its pure speculation as to why he took it. Perhaps the kid could simply want a ball all for himself and decided to just take it, or was simply a rotten kid. The truth is the kid's motives are not important to the story other than it highlights Arnold was having a lot of trouble getting through the list.


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