Hey Arnold!

Hey Arnold! (1996)

27 mistakes since 25 Aug '24, 00:00

(5 votes)

Hey Arnold! mistake picture

Parents Day - S5-E6

Continuity mistake: During the flashback, when little Arnold says goodbye to his parents, in the next shot of Stella and Miles, the bag's strap is slung over his dad's left shoulder as a crossbody, but mid-shot, the strap switches to his right shoulder with the bag on the opposite side. (00:14:30)

Super Grover

Hey Arnold! mistake picture

Parents Day - S5-E6

Continuity mistake: When Grandpa enters and exits Arnold's bedroom, the door opens the opposite way in various shots, with the doorknob on either the left or right. Additionally, the light switch beside the door appears and disappears, between shots.

Super Grover

Mugged / Roughin' It - S1-E9

Continuity mistake: Mugged: Throughout the scene with Arnold and Grandma on the bus, Arnold is not wearing his hat. When the creep runs off the bus and the camera shows Arnold and Grandma from outside the bus, Arnold is wearing his hat. (00:11:35)


Mugged / Roughin' It - S1-E9

Other mistake: Mugged: When Arnold gets mugged, some of the shots use a flipped background. Note the wall colours, and the sign that says "MARKET," which is reversed. (00:01:16)


Hey Arnold! mistake picture

Mugged / Roughin' It - S1-E9

Other mistake: Mugged: When the people are standing outside Sunset Arms waiting for Arnold to come out of the garage, Oskar is coloured incorrectly: he has grey hair, a grey beard, an orange shirt, a light blue jacket, and white shoes. (00:05:12)


Love and Cheese / Weighing Harold - S4-E7

Plot hole: Love and Cheese: This episode takes place at the Cheese Fair. However, the episode "Operation: Ruthless" also takes place at the Cheese Fair, and it is stated in that episode that the Cheese Fair is an annual event. It can't be that this episode takes place a year later, as the series takes place during the same fourth-grade school year.


Beaned / Old Iron Man - S5-E11

Continuity mistake: Beaned: When Arnold is walking Helga to school and she sees some flowers, they are both standing on the sidewalk. Two shots later, they are on the road. Also, when Arnold walks up to Helga, he is in mid-air, and when Helga stands up, she is also in mid-air. (00:05:53)


Hey Arnold! mistake picture

Hall Monitor / Harold's Bar Mitzvah - S2-E15

Continuity mistake: Harold's Bar Mitzvah: In the beginning, when Stinky asks Harold if he wants to play stickball, there is no wristband on his arm. Harold says he has to go do his lessons, and in the next shot, a wristband appears on Stinky's arm, then disappears. Later on, when Harold comes out of the synagogue, his wristbands are back on his arms. (00:12:03)


Hey Arnold! mistake picture

Full Moon / Student Teacher - S4-E1

Continuity mistake: Full Moon: When Principal Wartz tells Arnold to see him every day after school for the next four weeks, the words on his office door are yellow. About a second later, they change to red, then back to yellow. (00:02:57)


Dinner for Four / Phoebe Skips - S4-E5

Other mistake: Dinner for Four: When Arnold and Lila are talking to each other in the beginning, Lila says that she hopes to become a famous ballerina one day if she practices hard enough. In this shot, the stripe on her shirt is incorrectly layered over her gold button. (00:01:26)


Hey Arnold! mistake picture

Full Moon / Student Teacher - S4-E1

Other mistake: Full Moon: When Arnold tells Sid, Stinky, and Harold that he was given four weeks' detention, Harold tells him to not rat on them. Arnold says he won't tell, and when he walks away, his hair passes right through Sid's head. (00:03:30)


The Aptitude Test / Oskar Gets a Job - S3-E9

Arnold: Look, you wanted me to help you get a job, and I did.
Oskar: Yeah, you did. Good for you. [To Grandma] I'll be right back, my beautiful Fatima!
Arnold: Your first day on the job, you said you had the stomach flu, and today, you said you had a bad back.
Oskar: What's your point?
Arnold: My point is, are you going to have another excuse tomorrow, or are you going to do your own job instead of making me do it for you?
Oskar: Arnold, of course I'm going to do my job, don't worry.
Arnold: Good.
Oskar: But I can't tomorrow, it's a national holiday from my old country, I forgot to tell you.
Arnold: That's it! I'm tired of all your excuses!
Oskar: Arnold, you seem a little cranky, maybe you should take a nap.
Arnold: Look, I only helped you because you said you were desperate. You said you wanted to change. I guess I was wrong. Mr. Kokoshka, I'm sorry, but you are a huge loser!


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The List/Haunted Train - S1-E8

Question: Why did that boy steal Arnold's ball? Was that the whole reason he came to the park? He seemed awfully obnoxious and destined to ruin Arnold's day, just wanting more clarity. Thank you.

Answer: The episode doesn't really elaborate on who the kid was and what his motives were, so its pure speculation as to why he took it. Perhaps the kid could simply want a ball all for himself and decided to just take it, or was simply a rotten kid. The truth is the kid's motives are not important to the story other than it highlights Arnold was having a lot of trouble getting through the list.


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