Hall Monitor / Harold's Bar Mitzvah - S2-E15
Continuity mistake: Harold's Bar Mitzvah: In the beginning, when Stinky asks Harold if he wants to play stickball, there is no wristband on his arm. Harold says he has to go do his lessons, and in the next shot, a wristband appears on Stinky's arm, then disappears. Later on, when Harold comes out of the synagogue, his wristbands are back on his arms. (00:12:03)
Full Moon / Student Teacher - S4-E1
Continuity mistake: Full Moon: When Arnold leaves the school at the beginning, he is carrying a green book. A few seconds later, the rectangle on the cover changes to white, then back to green. (00:03:14)
Full Moon / Student Teacher - S4-E1
Continuity mistake: Full Moon: When Principal Wartz tells Arnold to see him every day after school for the next four weeks, the words on his office door are yellow. About a second later, they change to red, then back to yellow. (00:02:57)
Full Moon / Student Teacher - S4-E1
Revealing mistake: Full Moon: When Principal Wartz tells Arnold to name the boys who exposed themselves, as Arnold says, "I can't do that, Principal Wartz," his mouth briefly disappears. (00:02:42)
Full Moon / Student Teacher - S4-E1
Other mistake: Full Moon: When Arnold tells Sid, Stinky, and Harold that he was given four weeks' detention, Harold tells him to not rat on them. Arnold says he won't tell, and when he walks away, his hair passes right through Sid's head. (00:03:30)
Tour de Pond / Teachers Strike - S2-E18
Continuity mistake: Tour de Pond: When Rex notices that Arnold's boat is winning and starts running, the red and yellow squares on his grandfather's badge change to red and black. (00:10:18)
Tour de Pond / Teachers Strike - S2-E18
Continuity mistake: Tour de Pond: When Rex's grandfather walks up to Arnold's Grandpa at the end, his badge has eight squares on it, but in the next shot, it changes to four stripes. (00:11:20)
Tour de Pond / Teachers Strike - S2-E18
Other mistake: Tour de Pond: When Arnold, Gerald, and Grandpa are first shown at the Tour de Pond race, their ship is not sitting on the sidewalk, but rather on the edge of it, which makes it look like it’s floating in mid-air. (00:05:02)
Tour de Pond / Teachers Strike - S2-E18
Continuity mistake: Tour de Pond: When Gerald puts the boat made out of the block of wood in the fish tank, the sail is pointing towards the right, but when the boat sinks, it's pointing towards the left. (00:02:18)
Simmons' Documentary / Big Bob's Crisis - S5-E20
Continuity mistake: Simmons' Documentary: Rhonda wears a black top and red skirt on the day of the documentary, but in one shot, she is wearing her regular outfit. She is also wearing her regular outfit in one shot when the class is watching the documentary. (00:06:12 - 00:11:16)
Simmons' Documentary / Big Bob's Crisis - S5-E20
Revealing mistake: Simmons' Documentary: When Phoebe asks Mr. Simmons, "If we're required to do book reports, do we need to choose a book?", her mouth disappears twice. This is easier to see in slow motion, but it's still visible at normal speed. (00:04:27)
Simmons' Documentary / Big Bob's Crisis - S5-E20
Continuity mistake: Simmons' Documentary: When Mr. Simmons explains the documentary and the kids leave the classroom, Arnold is holding a purple book. In the next shot, it changes direction while in his hand. (00:01:50)
Back to School / Egg Story - S4-E8
Other mistake: Egg Story: When Arnold tells Helga, "I know you don't like me, and frankly, you're not my favorite person either," his mouth disappears twice. (00:14:51)
Back to School / Egg Story - S4-E8
Continuity mistake: Egg Story: When Arnold shows the little chick to the class, Phoebe is sitting behind Harold, but she is suddenly standing in the next shot. (00:22:30)
Weird Cousin / Baby Oskar - S4-E11
Continuity mistake: Weird Cousin: When Lila tells Arnold, "Going to a movie together sounds kind of like a date," the way she holds her book changes between shots. (00:01:41)
Grandpa's Sister / Synchronized Swimming - S4-E12
Other mistake: Synchronized Swimming: During the swimming tournament, when the boys jump in the pool and it cuts to the crowd, Lila's dress and bows are incorrectly coloured blue, and they stay that colour for the rest of the episode. (00:21:04)
Love and Cheese / Weighing Harold - S4-E7
Continuity mistake: Love and Cheese: When Arnold asks the man at the CheeseBall Toss for three tries, Eugene in the background has black skin and a red shirt, like Gerald. His shirt is also red in a later shot when Arnold is trying to knock the bottles down. (00:05:52)
Helga Blabs It All / Harold the Butcher - S3-E1
Other mistake: Helga Blabs It All: When Helga accidentally ends up in Arnold's room, and the camera pans over to Arnold, he is sitting in mid-air. (00:10:59)
Continuity mistake: Ms. Perfect: When the flap on Lila's table falls down, her lunch bag falls over. When the tray of spinach and fish falls on her, it changes position. (00:18:37)
Gerald's Game / Fishing Trip - S5-E15
Revealing mistake: Gerald's Game: When Arnold and Gerald are playing The King Rules together, as Arnold says, "I'm not going to quit, Gerald," his mouth briefly disappears. (00:09:49)
Answer: The episode doesn't really elaborate on who the kid was and what his motives were, so its pure speculation as to why he took it. Perhaps the kid could simply want a ball all for himself and decided to just take it, or was simply a rotten kid. The truth is the kid's motives are not important to the story other than it highlights Arnold was having a lot of trouble getting through the list.
Lummie ★