Part-Time Friends / Bio Square - S2-E19
Corrected entry: The kids' teacher in "Bio Square" is Miss Slovak, who was their teacher in the first season, but in the first episode of this season they had a new teacher, Mr. Simmons.
Runaway Float / Partners - S2-E20
Corrected entry: The kids' teacher in this episode is Miss Slovak, who was their teacher in the first season, but in the first episode of this season they had a new teacher, Mr. Simmons.
Correction: Other than the few episodes that take place at a specific time; this series was not meant to be taken in chronological order. Just roughly during the same 4th grade school year.
Downtown as Fruits / Eugene's Bike - S1-E1
Corrected entry: At the beginning, Iggy can be seen very briefly without his sunglasses.
Correction: What exactly is the trivia here? We simply see Iggy lift up his sunglasses for a short moment; there is nothing substantial about it. And it's not even the only time he is without them; in "Arnold Betrays Iggy," he is not wearing them at all, both at the beginning and the end of the episode.
Correction: Other than the few episodes that take place at a specific time; this series is not meant to be taken in chronological order. Just roughly during the same 4th grade school year.