Corrected entry: In this episode, Sabrina can easily freeze time to cram before a test. But later in "Sabrina Gets Her Licence", she is unable to do it when her quizmaster tells her says so.

Corrected entry: During the opening sequence for Season 2, all the floating people have shadows visible on the house. When Robert walks by the house, he doesn't cast a shadow on the house but he does on Raymond, therefore the floating people and the house behind them are products of green screen filming.
Correction: No.... only Robert walks in front of Raymond -- all the others go past behind him. Their shadows would be further back (i.e., onto the house), where Robert's would be only as far as Raymond (even taking into account his height).

Corrected entry: In the opening credits, when all the boys (led by Arnold) are walking down the alleyway, on our right, Harold looks like he's about to walk straight into a bin. After the girls have done their strut, we cut back to the boys - and there is no bin behind Harold.
Correction: Actually this was Ruth that happened with. Anyways when we see the girls in the alley again (where the bin last appeared) the bin is indeed behind Ruth. You can see it where the back part of the alley is lighted.

Corrected entry: Why was it raining quarters? They suddenly appeared with no logical explanation.
Correction: It's meant as a joke (and it wasn't raining quarters so much as quarters falling on him). The joke is, he spent so much time trying to get money he missed the ice cream truck and now when he's trying to get a drop of melting ice cream, money falls on him; but it's too late for it to do him any good.

Corrected entry: In the episode, The Solomons and Dr. Albright go on a "Murder Mystery Weekend". Toward the end of the episode Tommy and Sally are in a hallway upstairs. Sally is carrying a lit candle. Tommy says to stop waving it under her face because it makes her look spooky. Suddenly the lit candle disappears, never to be seen again - the only place it might have been put is a long table to Sally's right, about 5ft away with some kind of arrangement on it, but it's not there.
Correction: If you look to the far right of the screen, you get a glimpse of the candle so it is actually there, you see it when Don turns the corner at 15:38.

Corrected entry: When the robbers let the hostages go they let the armed security guard go as well. Surely the security guard would try and take on the unarmed robbers. (00:17:35)
Correction: Have you seen how these people who live in Kenan and Kel's area behave? Doesn't surprise me at all that he turned out to be a chicken.

Back to the Future IV: Judgment Day - S3-E18
Corrected entry: About three minutes into the episode, Mike claims to be responsible for "Right On Red" legislation. "Right On Red" has been around since the 40's. Ironically, NYC (all five boroughs), where the show is based, is the only place in the country where there is no "Right On Red" except where posted as opposed to being permitted except where posted.
Correction: Almost everything Mike says is sarcastic to get other people to laugh. Like when he said, "Officer down!" when he flipped over a table at the police station or when he said that "Farfrompoopin" was the German word for "constipation." He always says these things with a smile and everybody knows he's joking about such things.

Corrected entry: When we watch the black and white footage of things that took place at The Centre in the past the camera angles change, cameras move and change focus as well. This implies that someone is there operating the cameras. It's highly unlikely that someone else would be allowed to be there when people are having psychiatric examinations, being murdered, making secret plans and so on. Unless the cameras had motion sensors which is unlikely for the time they were supposed to be happening.
Correction: I've noticed in a few episodes when Jarod is viewing the DSA's on his thing that there's a little ball-type thing that he uses to zoom in and out. One episode example (I think it's in the first season) is when he uses it to zoom in on Mr. Raines to read his lips (the line is "Listen to me Doctor. Tell the kid that daddy died in a plain crash. It's not exactly a lie") And besides, it's the Centre. There may be people watching them at all times.

Corrected entry: In this episode, Tanya tells the other Power Rangers about her African American tradition of Kwanzaa. But Tanya isn't really African-American; she recently came to the Rangers directly from Africa. Native Africans rarely celebrate Kwanzaa. Tanya was also fluent in English the moment she arrived in Angel Grove. It's as if the show wants the viewer to forget that Tanya wasn't always part of the community.
Correction: In season 3 young Tanya was sent by young Aisha to deliver the yellow piece of the ZEO-crystal to Angel Grove from somewhere in the past. When time got restored Tanya was suddenly part of the community and always had been.

Corrected entry: In the episode "Darwin's Eye," Agent Hollis' father keeps watching the videotape of a nuclear explosion that involves palm trees blown. He also promises her that he will explain "The trees." From that episode on, there are countless references and promises on that matter, all of them being completely unrelated to the original plot. In the finale, we only learn Agent Hollis joining Millennium and we never hear from her again. Her part on the original storyline lies totally uncharted.
Correction: There are only 5 episodes after this before the series was cancelled. So not every possible plot line for the secondary characters was tied up in the last episode, not too surprising.

Corrected entry: In the first episode ("Beast Wars, Part One"), Waspinator has the ability to spit some kind of laser beam from his mouth as he fires on Cheetor. But for some reason he never uses it again for the rest of the series.
Correction: Those beams actually come from his eyes, and he does use them again in "Fallen Comrades" to open the locked stasis pod.
Correction: She was nervous.