The Nanny

The Nanny (1993)

1 mistake in Kindervelt Days

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Suggested correction: As soon as it cuts from the show's intro to the first shot in the kitchen, we see Fran buckling her old zebra-striped belt around her waist. When Niles picks up the artificial lemon tree we see Fran touching her belt, and as the camera faces Niles when he exits the kitchen Fran unbuckles her belt offscreen. In the next shot Fran's zebra-striped belt is in her hand, and she places it back in the box of her old stuff from her Ma's house. No continuity issue. Starting time code 00:03:35.

Super Grover

C.C.: I feel like I have died and gone to heaven.
Niles: I have that dream, too, but you go in the other direction.

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Trivia: Ann Morgan Guilbert plays Yetta Rosenberg, the mother of Sylvia Fine (Renee Taylor). In real life, Guilbert is only five years older than Taylor.

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Show generally

Question: This might be a stupid question, but why do all three of the children speak in typical American voices? Wouldn't their speech have a British influence because of their father, and also Niles?

Answer: Children's brains and language skills are still developing at that age and they adapt to the environment they live in. My former boss was born in England and moved to the US at about eight years old. She completely lost her British accent by her teens, even though her parents still spoke as typical English citizens. A Japanese co-worker and his wife, also Japanese, spoke English as their second language. Their two children learned both English and Japanese simultaneously while growing up and spoke each language with the appropriate accent.


Answer: Kids tend to take on the accident of where they live. I once had a British student who lost his accent after a couple of years in the US.

Brian Katcher

Not just where they live, but also after their peers (who live there, but you know what I mean).


Answer: Not necessarily. Their late mother being American would've probably made the most impact on their speech, considering most kids spend most of their early years more with their mothers than fathers.


Gracie is young enough that she doesn't remember her mother. The episode "I Don't Remember Mama" was about this.

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