Returning Japanese (1) - S6-E21
Plot hole: In this episode, Hank meets his paternal half brother. They look alike. However, we saw in an earlier episode that Hank's facial structure takes after his mother, not his father. Since they are paternal half brothers, then the Japanese brother cannot look like Hank since he has a different mother.
Plot hole: As Dale comes to Hank's work and talks to Hank about the gun incident he has a spray pack on his back that is filled with poison and by accident sprays Joe Jack. Yet in the episode "The Exterminator" Dale was told by the doctors that he would not be able to use any type of hazardous chemicals with bug spraying as his lungs wouldn't be able to handle the fumes any more. Even if he ignored the advice the chemicals would have at least incapacitated him or killed him.
Answer: Jeffrey Boomhauer is a Texas Ranger as can be seen in the final episode at the end when he sets his wallet down, it flips open revealing a Texas Ranger badge.