Bystand Me - S10-E2
Continuity mistake: While Hank, Peggy, and Bobby are asking for help picking up the papers with the dangerous ammonia and bleach recipe, a person in back of the group they are talking to that was originally wearing a dark red hat, red shirt, and blond hair switches to a pink, light blue shirt, and brown hair. A window also suddenly appears behind this individual, where there wasn't one before. (00:17:49 - 00:18:11)

Continuity mistake: After Hank and Bobby return from La Grunta, Hank parks the car halfway into the garage. Yet when Peggy washes the blood from the deer off the front of the truck, the truck is now on the driveway and not near the garage. (00:20:20)

Next of Shin - S3-E5
Continuity mistake: As Hank is having his discussion with Cotton in the Casino you can see Cotton's red (playing) chips in front of him. In one shot Hank stands up and the angle shows Cotton from over Hank's shoulder and the red chips look black and badly damaged. The next shot from the same angle the chips are back to being red and completely fine. (00:19:55)

Next of Shin - S3-E5
Continuity mistake: During the scene where Hank is talking to Bobby in the garage about the baby, Hank is wearing brown shorts and sitting on a stool. When Hank stands up you can see the top of his pants are now blue, the same color as his usual pants. When Bobby passes in front of him, he has brown shorts on again. (00:11:00)

Continuity mistake: When Peggy brings "Ol' Spanky" to class for the first time, the writing on the blackboard has quite a bit of space to the right of the blackboard. As she is telling of Joseph, the second blackboard is almost right next to the first blackboard and the first blackboard doesn't have the writing on it anymore. (00:13:15)

Three Coaches & a Bobby - S3-E12
Continuity mistake: As Coach Sauers is making them run up and down the stands you can see Bobby with all the mud on his face and body just reaching the bottom of the stand and then in the very next shot hes all of a sudden reaching the top of the stands with Joseph. (00:08:35)

Continuity mistake: During Peggy's visit to Megamart she meets one of her fellow teachers when she is about to go down one of the aisles. When the shot shows Peggy talking, you can now see the aisle of products is now behind her even though she didn't move. At the end of the conversation, Peggy gives the woman a pin and the two of them have now moved again and are at the very end of the aisle that Peggy started in. (00:11:15)

Continuity mistake: In the final classroom scene when Peggy has a mace, she swings it very hard and rips off the cartoon paper on the map of Europe. It then goes to a quick shot of the class and back to her in less than a second. Yet she is now holding the mace steady in her hand, even though you wouldn't be able to stop a mace that soon after swinging it that quickly. The cartoon paper she ripped off has also disappeared. (00:19:20)

De-Kahnstructing Henry - S3-E13
Continuity mistake: When Kahn parks the car in the garage you can see the driver's window is clear. A few shots later we see the window is now frosted. (00:01:35)

Pretty, Pretty Dresses - S3-E9
Continuity mistake: When Bobby is serving his parents breakfast, the tray he's holding has two eggs on it and Peggy's plate is empty. After Hank finishes talking, we see all three of them and there are now two eggs on Peggy's plate and a third one on the tray. (00:03:30 - 00:04:05)

Three Coaches & a Bobby - S3-E12
Continuity mistake: As Coach Sauers is quitting the shoe store, he rips the whistle off his chest and breaks the neck rope and bangs it down on the counter. When the clerk returns the whistle to him and drops it in his hand, the rope is not broken, as you can see the loop on the rope when it drops. (00:06:50)

De-Kahnstructing Henry - S3-E13
Continuity mistake: When Hank hands Minh the money for Bobby's lessons, he's wearing a watch on his left wrist, but when Kahn storms out of the house Hank's watch has vanished. (00:14:45)

De-Kahnstructing Henry - S3-E13
Continuity mistake: During the scene where Hank is talking to Kahn in the restaurant bathroom you can see a black rubbish bin below the hand dryer next to the entrance of the bathroom. About halfway into the scene Kahn starts looking into the mirror and the garbage bin has disappeared. Throughout the rest of the scene the bin never reappears. (00:18:20)

De-Kahnstructing Henry - S3-E13
Deliberate mistake: In the scene where Hank is mowing his and Minh's (Khan's wife) lawn he mows straight across from Minh's lawn to his own lawn. This would be impossible as in every episode including this episode (before and after this scene) there is a fence separating his house and Khan's house. It was likely removed to simplify Hank's going back and forth between the two ladies as they try to gain his affection with food and beer. (00:15:30 - 00:16:40)

Three Coaches & a Bobby - S3-E12
Continuity mistake: Before Peggy leaves the soccer mums and goes to watch football again, the woman in the green sweater is holding a coffee cup that is of a pale brown color. When the shot goes to a close up of her talking, the color is now red. The next time you see her holding the cup, it's gone back to being a pale brown color. (00:18:15)

Three Coaches & a Bobby - S3-E12
Continuity mistake: The two women near Peggy, who are sitting on the benches in the stands, are seated on the fourth and fifth levels in the wideshots, but in the close-up they're seated on the third and fourth levels.

The Wedding of Bobby Hill - S3-E14
Deliberate mistake: As Luanne is putting the dirt into Bobby's fruit pie you can see she rips open a large part of the packet. Yet in the next scene when Bobby is about to eat the pie there is no sign of where Luanne ripped the packet. Its likely this was deliberate as the joke in the scene was Bobby and Luanne's constant attempts to get back at each other, if they had left the large hole its likely Bobby would have not fallen for Luanne's prank.

Continuity mistake: After Hank returns from the permit office and he and Bobby are in the car, Hank has his seat belt on and his hands on the steering wheel. However in the very next shot his seat belt is completely off without moving his hands.

De-Kahnstructing Henry - S3-E13
Continuity mistake: As Kahn breaks the ceramic radio panda at the garage sale there are about 3 people behind him. He then starts to tell everyone to leave and then there is an aerial shot and the 3 people that were behind him have disappeared even though no one moved whilst he was shouting. (00:12:30)

Continuity mistake: As Peggy is trying to explain herself to Dooly's parents, the parents are sitting vertically from Principal Moss's desk. When we see Moss looking up in the school book, the mother is now, still sitting, almost facing the desk. (00:07:10)
Answer: Jeffrey Boomhauer is a Texas Ranger as can be seen in the final episode at the end when he sets his wallet down, it flips open revealing a Texas Ranger badge.