Pretty, Pretty Dresses - S3-E9
Question: Why did this episode show a scene first (where the guys are standing outside and Bill starts crying) and then the theme song and opening credits for the show? Almost all of the other episodes have the theme song and credits first, then the entire show.
The Substitute Spanish Prisoner - S6-E2
Question: What does Dr. Visoza mean when he says that if Peggy "dropped a box of toothpicks" in front of Jimmy Witchard, she would understand how the Intelligence Institute expects a lot from him?
Answer: He's referencing the movie "Rainman." He's saying Jimmy is autistic.
Question: Who left the videos and the note on the porch for Hank?
Answer: Bill. We see him pick up the videos after the trial.
Question: In Bobby's room, there is a poster of three people in red clothes. Is this supposed to be any real-life music group?
Question: I once saw a clip that shows Luanne excitedly telling Hank, Bill, Dale, and Boomhauer about something, and she jumps up and down until her breasts (which aren't shown) come out of her shirt. Was this a deleted scene or a joke made by the show's creators?
Question: In the show's theme music, the person who says "Wooooo hoooooo hooooooo" sounds like Dale. Is it him?
Answer: Listening closely, it's not Dale. It's not meant to be anyone from the show.
A Fire Fighting We Will Go - S3-E10
Question: What does the "bee-eye-bicky-bo" song that Dale keeps singing mean?
Answer: It's based on a song called "Swingin' the Alphabet" featured in the Three Stooges episode "Violent is the Word for Curly". The song starts "B A Bay, B E Bee, B I Bicky By, B O Bo Bicky By Bo, B U Bu, Bicky By Bo Bu". The song then can be repeated for each consenant "C A Say, C E See, ...". At the end of the episode, "Three Blind Mice" is heard - the Three Stooges theme song.
Question: What is Bobby's full name? There is one episode where Peggy says that she and Hank gave him a dumb middle name.
Answer: Bobby's full name is Robert Jeffrey Hill. I cannot recall the episode however on whether it was a joke to give him a dumb middle name.
This might be a continuity mistake now. In "Bobby Slam" (Season 2, Episode 10), Peggy says that she wanted Bobby's first name to be Jeffrey, but "some man" wouldn't "let" her name him that. Also, Boomhauer's first name is revealed to be Jeffrey, and he is highly respected by his friends and neighbors. Doesn't sound like a name that Peggy really thinks is "dumb."
Answer: In S03E18, "Love Hurts and So Does Art", where Bobby gets gout, they take him to the doctor's to see what's wrong with his toe. When Peggy is filling out the HMO forms, she says, "You know, Bobby, we gave you a dumb middle name."
Question: Is Irritable Male Syndrome (the condition that Hank has in one episode) real?
Question: Did Peggy always live in Montana when she was younger? There's one Valentine's episode where a flashback shows her and Hank in high school.
Answer: This has been somewhat of a topic of discussion amongst fans of the show. Along with the difference with her mother in a couple of shows, its never really been set when she left Montana and by what age as its changed at times. What seems to be at least certain is she was born and for a certain period lived in Montana.
Question: Is there an episode where Dale Gribble discovers that his son, Joseph, is really the biological son of John Redcorn?
The Father, the Son and J.C. - S6-E5
Question: After Jimmy Carter leaves, Cotton says something like "hen-pecked by the oh-peck." What does he mean?
Answer: He says "henpecked by OPEC." OPEC is the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. Henpecked is an insult, usually about a man whose wife is constantly ordering him around and belittling of him, and implies the man is too weak to stand up to her. Cotton is saying Jimmy Carter was too weak to stand up against OPEC. Jimmy Carter often is blamed for the 1979 energy crisis.
Transnational Amusements Presents: Peggy's Magic Sex Feet - S4-E23
Question: Hank says that Boomhauer has known Peggy longer than he has. How did Boomhauer and Peggy meet first?
Answer: There are inconsistencies with Peggy's history throughout the show. However, it seems consistent that she met Hank and the others during high school. My guess is that Boomhauer met her at school before the others did, and/or maybe they lived in the same neighborhood.
Answer: It is never mentioned.
Question: At work, when Buck first sees Hank's bleached blonde hair, he says "You look like the fella who killed the other fella." Is this a reference to any real-life crime?
Answer: No, it's just a throw-away joke.
Answer: Maybe he just watched Fargo.
A Fire Fighting We Will Go - S3-E10
Question: What does Dale's "bee-eye-bicky-bo-bicky-bye-bo" song mean?
Answer: Dale is singing the classic Three Stooges song "Swinging the Alphabet" (composed by Septimus Winner) from the short film "Violent is the Word for Curly" (1938). A google search on either the song title or film title will provide you with a wealth of information on this hilarious episode.
Question: Obviously, the guys don't believe that Bill has a son named Trey. Hank points out that the name was Travis last week. But why is Bill pretending to have a son?
Answer: Bill lives in a state of denial. He hopes his wife will return any day. He escapes into elaborate fantasies, like having a son.
I've noticed that Bill often wants to copy what the other guys are doing, as part of his fantasies. So if Hank and Dale are talking about issues with their sons, he wants to talk about a son, too.
Peggy the Boggle Champ - S1-E9
Question: Bobby points out the adult situations and profanity in the movie "Risky Business." Luanne says, "Not anymore," because she rented it from Blockbuster. Did Blockbuster really have edited movies? I went there in the mid- and late 2000s, and I definitely watched some movies with profanity, nudity, etc.
Answer: Blockbuster was somewhat notorious for carrying edited films or simply choosing not to carry a film, especially in smaller cities, to be more family-friendly. However, this was more for NC-17 films and unrated films that were deemed to get an NC-17 rating if they were rated. But even some controversial R-rated films weren't available unless the studio provided an edited version. For example, "The Last Temptation of Christ" wasn't carried when it came out on VHS. Edited R-rated films usually had controversial scenes cut out, rather than have swear words dubbed and nudity removed (although allegedly there were edited films where the nudity was pixilated). But Blockbuster never did the editing. This line just seems to be an exaggerated joke about how far Blockbuster censors films for small, conservative towns like Arlen.
Question: Dale only pretended to be installing the radio antenna on Hank's roof, so Hank would allow Dale to have it on his own roof. How could Hank stop Dale from installing what he wants on his property?
Answer: The neighbourhood seems to have a Homeowners Association (HOA). Other episodes mention the neighbourhood having a block charter. Hank is the Block Captain. The antenna might be breaking a rule, or people could complain to Hank.
Question: Trying to remember the episode where Peggy damn near kills herself competing with Minh over who donates the most blood.
Answer: "The Buck Stops Here", s05e02.
Answer: In a number of episodes especially in the first few seasons, there was every now and then a short scene before the episode. One for example was "Bills were made to be broken". The guys are listening to the radio and all run home to enter the competition that is announced. Boomhauer uses his cellphone and answers the question before it goes to the opening theme and credits.
Lummie ★