Other mistake: The closing credits of thirteen episodes in season 1 have the word "Script" misspelled as "Scpipt" for the episode's script supervisor, either George Rutter or Billy Vernon. The episodes are: "The Galileo Seven"; "The Squire of Gothos"; "Arena"; "Tomorrow is Yesterday"; "The Return of the Archons"; "Space Seed"; "A Taste of Armageddon"; "This Side of Paradise"; "Devil in the Dark"; "Errand of Mercy"; "The Alternative Factor"; "The City on the Edge of Forever"; "Operation - Annihilate!"
The Man Trap - S1-E2
Other mistake: Sulu is asking Janice why people call inanimate objects "she"? Then gives an example. He says "Like, she's a fast ship." But the subtitles get this wrong and have him saying "Like, she's a bad ship". (00:23:30)
The Man Trap - S1-E2
Other mistake: When Crater is hit by the phaser, his collapse is sped up. (00:36:50)
Other mistake: Spock and McCoy have a brief argument over whether Charlie could have survived on his own all those years. Because they're talking at the same time, Spock saying "Doctor" as McCoy says "Mr. Spock," the closed captioner apparently misunderstood McCoy's line. The caption has him calling Spock "Dr. Spock." (00:09:15)
Other mistake: In the Briefing Room, while Kirk is feeling the effects of the disease, Spock tells Scotty that he will call the restart formula in from the bridge. But just a moment later, Kirk enters the Bridge, and Spock is in the Engine Room working on the settings and formula with Scotty.
Other mistake: After Scotty makes his remarks to Spock, he raises his phaser. The sparks start up before Scotty levels his phaser.
Other mistake: In the Transporter room, as the Decontamination field is used, the shuttered lighting casts not only on Spock and Joe, but on the walls surrounding the chamber.
Other mistake: Spock records a log entry as the "second officer". It appears they got "first officer" confused with "second in command." (00:36:15)
Other mistake: On some VHS editions of this episode, the back cover features a picture of what appears to be both good and evil Kirk sitting at a table, however this never happens anywhere in the episode. That picture is actually from the episode "What Are Little Girls Made Of?"
Other mistake: In the opening, the planet looks to be turning the same as Earth does. On the viewer it is turning correctly. However, it is too quickly to be accurate, assuming it is a copy of Earth. If so, at this higher speed, the days would be shorter. Also, the ship should be moving at such a speed as to see the planet moving in the opposite direction.
The Corbomite Maneuver - S1-E11
Other mistake: When Kirk is in sickbay with McCoy he uses sickbay's desktop monitor to contact Spock on the bridge, then when Kirk is in his quarters he uses his own desktop monitor to contact Spock again. Both have the same paint dings and smudges around the console screens, revealing the same one was used during filming. (00:04:30 - 00:06:30)

Other mistake: While on Starbase 11, Kirk and McCoy watch Pike on a starbase desktop monitor as his light keeps blinking no. When Kirk is with Mendez in his office discussing the Talos IV top secret file, Piper watches Pike on the desktop monitor in the office. Then Spock uses the monitor in his quarters to watch Kirk. All these monitors have the same dings and markings around their screens, which are also the same as other desktop monitors on Enterprise in the previous episode, The Corbomite Maneuver. (00:11:10)
Other mistake: When the transporter comes on to beam up Pike, the blonde ensign goes to face the transporter. As she does, she glances down at the floor to find her mark, and stands on it, looking into the chamber.
Other mistake: Stiles gives a countdown for impact to Kirk saying "estimate it will overtake us in two minutes, sir." After only 31 seconds, Sulu starts his own countdown, saying "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, impact." Only 55 seconds have passed from the time Stiles started his countdown to actual impact. Everything was shot in real time without scene changes. Being off the impact estimate time by over a minute doesn't sit well considering a Starship's advanced sensors. (00:29:27)
Other mistake: Kirk orders the helm to get phasers ready to fire at the Romulan vessel. When the helm responds, it's not the phaser banks that fire, but photon torpedoes. (00:32:58)
Other mistake: When the Enterprise hits the Romulan vessel, dust and bricks fall from the ceiling. A starship made of bricks?
Other mistake: When the nuclear bomb explodes, the ship is tilted 40° to 45° to starboard (right), but Uhura goes over to the port (left) side of the lift.
Other mistake: The red alert light at the entrance to the chapel blinks a few times and stops, even though the rest are still flashing. Also, the last thing Kirk says is "All decks, condition red", which is unnecessary, since the red alert has already begun sounding.
Other mistake: It's been established the planet is extremely dangerous to human life but when Jaeger, McCoy and DeSalle beam down they just have a simple mouth/nose mask on.