Other mistake: When the Enterprise hits the Romulan vessel, dust and bricks fall from the ceiling. A starship made of bricks?
Other mistake: When the nuclear bomb explodes, the ship is tilted 40° to 45° to starboard (right), but Uhura goes over to the port (left) side of the lift.
Other mistake: Kirk orders the helm to get phasers ready to fire at the Romulan vessel. When the helm responds, it's not the phaser banks that fire, but photon torpedoes. (00:32:58)
Other mistake: The red alert light at the entrance to the chapel blinks a few times and stops, even though the rest are still flashing. Also, the last thing Kirk says is "All decks, condition red", which is unnecessary, since the red alert has already begun sounding.
Other mistake: Stiles gives a countdown for impact to Kirk saying "estimate it will overtake us in two minutes, sir." After only 31 seconds, Sulu starts his own countdown, saying "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, impact." Only 55 seconds have passed from the time Stiles started his countdown to actual impact. Everything was shot in real time without scene changes. Being off the impact estimate time by over a minute doesn't sit well considering a Starship's advanced sensors. (00:29:27)
Answer: After causing Norman to overload, all of the other androids shut down. The same could be said for the androids on the Enterprise.