Corrected entry: Whenever we are shown Lord Zedd's palace on the Moon, we can see dark storm clouds overhead...which, of course, is impossible on the Moon.
Corrected entry: Whenever the Triceritops is shown transforming into the Unicorn, The Triceritops is missing it's grey tail as seen in series 1.
Correction: It is there; it's just tucked in at the top, you can see the end of it out the back.
Corrected entry: All the other Rangers wear their Morphers on their belt, as the "buckle," if you will. When Tommy is the White Ranger, his morpher isn't on his belt, yet it is during the Power Rangers movie.
Correction: This is because the White Ranger suit is nor based on designs from the same Sentai series. The original six Power Rangers (Red, Black, Blue, Yellow, Pink and Green) were based on costume designs from ZyuRanger. The White Ranger costume is from the next Sentai series DaiRanger, which were totally unrealated to each other. The DaiRangers did not have morphers like the ZyuRangers. They morphed using devices called "Doron Changers" (later used as the Magna Defender morpher in PRLG). Tommy still had the usual morpher like the others, but gold like his Green Ranger morpher was.
Corrected entry: It was stated in the first episode that the Rangers should always keep their identity secret, or they'll lose their powers - yet the Rangers had no problem calling the Blue Ranger by his real name of Billy, right in front of the public.
Correction: Like he's the only person named Billy in the entire world...
Corrected entry: This happens until "Alien Rangers of Aquitar," in Series 3. When Tommy is the White Ranger, Saba, his sword constantly disappears and reappears.
Correction: Saba does not disappear and reappear at anytime. The only times when Saba is not holstered on the White Ranger's belt, was before Saba was presented to Tommy, when Saba is being used to fight with, Saba is controlling the Tigerzord or in "Best Man for the Job" when Saba was stolen.
Correction: A guy who can create magical monsters and grow them to giant size can probably manage a few storm clouds, to make his fortress look more menacing.