Doctor Who

Correction: And what does this reveal, exactly? His body's just been effectively torn apart and reconstituted and it's established that the regeneration energies remain in the body for several hours after the event. Hardly unreasonable, given that he doesn't establish anything even close to equilibrium for some considerable time after the event, that, when we see him post-regeneration, his hair colour, which, by the way, is hardly dark black, more a light brown, might not quite have settled down yet.


Correction: A significant amount of off-screen time happens before the Doctor is seen again - enough for Baker to grab the coat off the floor and put it back on the Doctor.

Correction: It is difficult to tell, but the pieces are white and gray. Notice that there are two queens on the board, which would be impossible if the pieces were all white.

The Green Death - S10-E5

Corrected entry: A calendar seen in the story is for February 1972. (It is a leap year...there are 29 days on the calendar, and February only has 29 days once every four years). However, an ambulance seen later in the same story has an "L" suffix on its licence plate. "L" suffixes were only issued for the period 1 August 1972 to 31 July 1973, so the calendar must be months out of date...

Correction: Maybe no-one remembered to turn the calendar to the new month?

The Two Doctors - S22-E4

Corrected entry: The effect of the brain scanner is flat to the screen, which is fine when looking straight at the Doctor. However we then see it from an angle, and the effect is still flat to the screen. These means it moves from scanning straight across his neck, to going from right shoulder to left ear.

Correction: The intent is that the brain scan is a cone of energy emitted by the small probe tip centered on the box. From any direction, a cone will look flat.

The Caves of Androzani - S21-E6

Corrected entry: When Morgus is talking with Stotz on the com link, the blindfolded Doctor is obviously visible on the display standing behind Stotz. Yet Morgus only notices him about a minute into the conversation, as if he's only just appeared.


Correction: This is a deliberate dramatic choice. The idea is that Morgus is fixated on the spectrox deal and only noticed the Doctor when he is placated.

Four to Doomsday - S19-E2

Corrected entry: When Adric and Nyssa go to the library on Monarch's Vessel, the life support system is off. Later when the Doctor is in there the life support system is on.

Correction: Bigon turns the life support on.

Destiny of the Daleks - S17-E1

Corrected entry: This episode has a number of people who die unconvincingly, but none more so than the first guy in white to be killed by The Daleks. He lowers his head so slowly to the ground it seems he's afraid a hair will fall out of place. He can be seen breathing afterwards too, if you look at his stomach.


Correction: Considering that we find out later that Lan isn't dead, this isn't really a goof.

The Claws of Axos - S8-E3

Corrected entry: In episode 1, as Filer is driving along in his car, listening to the radio, notice that through the window to his right you can see a blue CSO screen which is completely blank - the superimposed backdrop that should be there is completely missing...

Correction: It's not blue, but a washed-out gray - the same color as the cloudy sky in the location shots.

Meglos - S18-E2

Corrected entry: Much is made of the fact that Tigella revolves anti-clockwise, as though that was unusual. Eight of the nine planets that orbit our Sun revolve anti-clockwise. The one exception is Venus, and it revolves so slowly clockwise (a mere 4mph) that it is barely rotating at all.

Correction: Romana is talking nonsense to the Gaztaks to buy time to escape.

The Curse of Fenric - S26-E3

Corrected entry: Thanks to a strong wind, as Ace is at the top of the ladder, we see her underpants. Notice that they are black. When she gets to the bottom of the ladder, a Haemovore grabs her around the waist, catching his claw in her skirt. Not only do we get a long look at her suspenders and knickers for a second time, but we can see that they are now white.

Correction: On the dvd when ace is at the top of the ladder there is no wind so her skirt does not blow up to expose her underwear.

The Curse of Fenric - S26-E3

Corrected entry: When Jean and Phyllis go into the water they have skirts on. When they come out of the water they not have interesting haircuts, but also are now wearing trousers.

Correction: On the DVD Jean and Phylis are wearing trousers before and after they go in the water. The new hairstyles are due to both girls being possessed by The Curse of Fenric while they were in the water.

Correction: The guard doesn't clutch his stomach, he just falls over.

Matty W

Correction: The Doctor only mentions three, acknowledging the one destroyed. Only two attack the circle, only two attack the campers, only two return to hyperspace with Vivian, one is destroyed by the Megara, the other follows Romana to Earth and back to the ship. There are never three seen after the one tumbles off the cliff.

Correction: Duplicate entry.

Matty W

100,000 BC - S1-E1

Corrected entry: Before Ian gets zapped by the console, somebody in the studio calls out a cue, which can be heard on the soundtrack of this episode.

Correction: This only happens in the unaired pilot, not in the aired episode.

Inferno - S7-E4

Corrected entry: When he meets the Doctor for the first time, the Alternate version of Stahlmann refers to Lethbridge-Stewart as "Brigadier", even though his rank in this universe is "Brigade Leader".


Correction: Stahlman mumbles the line somewhat, but he's definitely saying "Brigade Leader."

City of Death - S17-E2

Corrected entry: 'City of Death' is set very definitely in Paris in 1979. There's even location filming in Paris to establish this (it was the first time ever a Doctor Who story was filmed outside the UK). Yet EVERYONE in this story speaks English. Even the TV News report in the cafe (reporting that the Mona Lisa had been stolen) was in English. Couldn't the film makers find anyone in Paris who spoke French? After all there's about two million people to choose from.

Correction: The Doctor has the ability to understand any language (not all aliens speak English), a timelord ability that is extended to anyone who travels with him. Thus, Romana would have the same ability and other companions who are not from Galifrey would be able to share it. This fact is established by the Doctor himself in a later story.

Season 20 generally

Corrected entry: The Cyber leader (black handlebars on the head) is seen being destroyed by the raston robot. It is then seen following the master accross the chess-board. The master then kills it, yet it is later seen giving the order to blow up the TARDIS.

Correction: There are three cyberleaders in 'The Five Doctors'. Each one controls a team of cybermen. Admittedly it is a little confusing as the same actors play each cyberleader and cyberlieutenant.


The Caves of Androzani - S21-E6

Corrected entry: After Stotz and his men cut through the cockpit door, the reverse shot reveals the door to be mad of polystyrene and obviously not out of proper aviation materials of any sort.

Correction: Duplicate mistake.


Doctor Who mistake picture

The Three Doctors - S10-E1

Revealing mistake: (Part 4) After Omega takes off his mask and looks in the mirror, when he sees that his physical body doesn't exist he puts his mask back on and screams, but when he shouts, "If I exist only by my will, then my will is to destroy," Omega's mask pops up off his face, and we can see the actor's blackened face as he shouts the last bit of his dialogue. (00:07:10)

Super Grover

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The Doctor: This is a situation that requires tact and finesse. Fortunately, I am blessed with both.

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Planet of Giants - S2-E1

Trivia: This Doctor Who story was originally scripted and produced as a four-episode story, but, just two weeks before transmission, upon viewing the story, co-creators Sydney Newman and Donald Wilson felt that the final two episodes (Episode 3, 'Crisis'; and Episode 4, 'The Urge to Live') should be combined into a single episode. The new 'condensed' episode incorporated the opening titles of 'Crisis' with the closing credits of 'The Urge to Live'.

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Earthshock - S19-E6

Question: In Earthshock, season 19, at the end of episode 3, the Cyber Leader views his troops marching down the corridor. Each column is headed by a Cyber Leader. Is this a mistake, or is there more than one Cyber Leader allowed per army?

Answer: In 'The Five Doctors', three separate Cyberleaders are definitely used. So it's likely that Cyberleaders are like unit commanders, of which a fair-sized army might have several.

Daria Sigma

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