Doctor Who

The Gunfighters - S3-E8

Corrected entry: The Clantons are amazingly bad shots. The Earps walk slowly down the street at the start of the climactic gunfight and don't get hit even once by the hail of gunfire.

Correction: Johny Ringo instructs them beforehand to start shooting before the Earps are within range.


Timelash - S22-E5

Corrected entry: Why would H.G. Wells understand the word 'screen' as used to mean computer monitor screen? The modern computer as we know it didn't exist in H.G. Wells' lifetime.

Correction: Not in that context, but "screens" were used in the 19th century to project images, including the first moving pictures.

Timelash - S22-E5

Corrected entry: It is claimed in "Timelash" that the young H.G. Wells was a teacher. In 1885 (when he is supposed to have encountered the Doctor and Vena), he was apprenticed to a draper in London. He didn't become a teacher until after he had gained a BSc in zoology and geology at university in 1888, three years AFTER the period in which this story is set.

Correction: Not quite. Wells was released from his apprenticeship in 1883 and was a student/teacher until 1887, fitting with this timeline.

Correction: Some seconds pass between the two images. Moreover, the problem shot is over the shoulder of the scientist in question and it is difficult to tell from that angle, how close he is to Gharman.

Genesis of the Daleks - S12-E4

Corrected entry: When Davros moves around in his chair, look closely at his stomach and you can see his body rotating. This is the actor pushing the chair with his feet, but Davros is supposed to be paralysed below the waist.


Correction: While this is an accurate description of what is seen on screen, the extent of Davros' injuries are never clarified. It is never stated that he is paralyzed. It's not impossible that he retains some function in his legs and uses them to drive the chair. After all, he never operates the chair with his arm.

100,000 BC - S1-E1

Corrected entry: The tribe that Doctor Who meets is definitely Caucasian in appearance, which rules out Asia and the Americas as possible locations. Modern humans didn't reach Europe until around 30,000 years ago, so the date implied by the title is wrong. Also, the tribe is definitely NOT Neanderthal, as they apparently didn't have a tribal system.

Correction: It is never explicitly stated that the location is on Earth. It could be the Stone Age of a different planet.

Correction: The script specifies - and if you look closely, the action confirms - that Leela jumps out of the way of K-9's show but hits her head on the wall, knocking herself out.

Correction: By 1959, the US had only launched five satellites, of which two had failed. A satellite launch would still be novel enough to be "history in the making".

Correction: This is impossible to tell as it correspond to a single close-up of Ace's knee. It look like her skirt is just pulled tight across the knee as she climbs down the ladder.

The Curse of Fenric - S26-E3

Corrected entry: The idea of using the Ultima machine to translate the Viking inscriptions (expressed by both Judson and Millington) makes no sense. Translating a language has nothing in common with deciphering an encrypted message, and a computer would be of no help at all in "decoding" a message in an unknown language.

Correction: If the machine were fed the right language, as it could be from Wainwright's grandfather's translation, it could do so. After all, ULTIMA was designed to translate messages in German.

Correction: This shadow is from a wisp of smoke/mist which rolls onto screen just afterward.

The Curse of Fenric - S26-E3

Corrected entry: The reason for the presence of Russian soldiers in this story, is that they have invaded the Naval base to steal the ULTIMA code breaking machine. However, it is not explained how they propose to get it back to Russia in their little rubber dinghy. The ULTIMA machine fills a whole room, and weighs several is not something that you can just pick up and carry away. Also, in 1943 weren't the Russians on 'our side'?

Correction: Judson and Millington seem to indicate the the Russians will merely steal the core of the ULTIMA machine, which would be easily transported. As for the second point, it is stated plainly and more than once that the conflict anticipates the coming Cold War between the Soviets and the West.

The Curse of Fenric - S26-E3

Corrected entry: In episode 3, as Sorin leads his men through the graveyard (just before he sees Ace being attacked), they somehow manage to avoid seeing the group of Haemovores which are plainly visible in the background, attempting to break through the church door.

Correction: They see them, as evidenced by Sorin's glance in their direction and their keeping in cover. They just decide to avoid them until they see Ace.

Remembrance of the Daleks - S25-E1

Corrected entry: The events of this episode take place in Nov 1963, the same time as "An Unearthly Child." However, the schoolchildren are now wearing uniforms and the full name of the school on the sign is Coal Hill Road Shoreditch Secondary School instead of merely Coal Hill School.

Correction: The first episode was broadcast in November 1963, but that does not necessarily mean it was set on that date. For example, the vicar said that the Doctor's voice had changed since he last met him (referring to his regeneration) meaning that the events of Remembrance of the Daleks took place after the First Doctor had left. Othewise, the First Doctor's Tardis would have been in the junkyard. This means that between the events of An Unearthly Child and Remembrance of the Daleks, some time has elapsed which means that the school name & uniforms could have changed.

Correction: It is implied that she is in control of the space station. More importantly, the Matrix is the key to Time Lord power. In the episode, the Master cites his control of the Matrix as justification for ruling Gallifrey. Restoring it would be the first step toward restoring Time Lord power.

Remembrance of the Daleks - S25-E1

Corrected entry: When Ace is yelling at Mike for being a stinking dirty scumbag (the second time), she's supposed to be very angry. However, it's plainly clear that she's doing her best not to laugh. Near the end of the scene, she has a grin breaking through, and you can see her actually smirking as she runs off screen.

Matty W

Correction: Ace was emotionally upset because of Mike, so was probably trying her best not to cry, which can be mistaken as laughter.

Attack of the Cybermen - S22-E1

Corrected entry: The TARDIS comes under "enormous g-force", implying it is free falling through an atmosphere. However the Doctor later says something about it not begin able to breathe in a vacuum, with would imply they were still in space. (However, planets aren't the only things to produce gravity, suns also do, but suns tend to be fairly hot, and nothing is said about heat...).

Correction: The TARDIS is not falling through an atmosphere (if it were, the Doctor and Peri would be floating inside). It is accelerating out of control.

The Time Warrior - S11-E1

Corrected entry: It's an unexplained mystery as to how Irongron's men managed to get Linx's ship into the castle cellar without taking out half the wall or even denting the ship's bodywork...

Correction: Considering that Linx's ship is in need of massive repair, it's not unreasonable that he could have taken it apart for transport.

The Twin Dilemma - S21-E7

Corrected entry: As the Doctor and Peri prepare to go out onto the asteroid surface for the second time, the Doctor again heads for the door without operating the control. Thankfully, Peri says something else and the Doctor turns back for a few more lines, before finally going back to the console and hitting the real door control.

Matty W

Correction: The Doctor is still mentally unstable so may have simply forgotten to open the door.

Earthshock - S19-E6

Corrected entry: Why are several Cybermen left behind on the freighter, some of them still dormant? (They're revived by accident, it appears.).

Correction: When the Doctor disabled the bomb the Cybermen were planning to use to devastate Earth, they had to improvise a new plan that involved crashing the freighter into Earth. The freighter's escape pod could only carry the Cyberleader and a few others, and the Cybermen army hidden on the freighter was expendable, hence why they were left behind.

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The Doctor: This is a situation that requires tact and finesse. Fortunately, I am blessed with both.

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The Chase - S2-E8

Trivia: Such was the popularity of Doctor Who in Britain in the mid-1960s that even the Beatles wanted to make an appearance in the show. So a scene was written into "The Chase" to allow them to appear. The idea had been devised of including a scene on the Time and Space Visualiser depicting a Beatles fiftieth-anniversary concert in 2015, with the Fab Four dressed up as old men. John, Paul, George, and Ringo themselves were interested in the proposition, but it was vetoed by their manager, Brian Epstein. It was then thought that an appearance by the Beatles on Top of the Pops might be used instead, but no such footage was available. Fortunately, the Beatles were scheduled to perform "Ticket to Ride" at Riverside Studios in Hammersmith on April 10th, 1965, and that footage was used instead.

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Answer: TARDISes are generally available for properly authorised use on Gallifrey; they're not usually assigned to a particular Timelord on a long-term basis. The Doctor stole his when he left his homeworld.


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