Question: When Cartman thinks his kidney has been taken, and he goes to the hospital to have it put back in, the doctor has him sign a consent form for the operation, which we find out later is a release form for Cartman to be Kyle's kidney donor. But since Cartman is a child, shouldn't his mother be the one to consent and agree for him to have the operation, not him? I'm asking since neither her name or signature is anywhere on the release form Dr Doctor pulls out at the end when Stan reveals the plan to Cartman in the recovery room.
Chosen answer: His mother could have signed a different release form, especially since she's in on the plan to trick Eric into the transplant.
Question: Cartman hears that their new teacher is from Denver, and he says "We'll be able to walk all over her." Why does he think she'll be a pushover just because she's from Denver? I have never been to Colorado, so I might be missing a local joke.
Answer: Denver is the biggest city in Colorado, and South Park is a small town with farms. Small town characters are often portrayed as thinking that "city people" are weak - pampered by having more luxuries and comforts. Cartman thinks they can intimidate someone who is not used to their small town.
Answer: It's from Bad Boys.