
That '70s Episode - S1-E17

Plot hole: Throughout the series, it's established that good witches don't freeze. In this episode, however, Little Piper freezes Future Prue and Piper when they come back to the manor to "kidnap" their younger selves. Simply because the Charmed Ones reason that only one "set" of sisters (past/future) could have their powers doesn't mean that Future Prue, Piper and Phoebe aren't good witches. In other time-travel episodes, the sisters remain immune to freezing and are still able to say spells make potions, meaning they are still good witches. For example, in Season 8 "Forever Charmed," Piper and Leo go back to 1975 (the same time-period as this episode) using Coop's ring, trying to find when Phoebe is alive again. However, when a startled Patty tries to freeze them, only Leo freezes. Piper does not, though she likely cannot use her freezing/exploding power in this time.


That '70s Episode - S1-E17

Continuity mistake: In this episode, the sisters go back in time to late March 1975. On the family tree it says that Piper was born on August 7, 1973. So she would be 1 and 1/2 in March 1975. But she looks at least 2 years too old. (00:09:30)

The Witch Is Back - S1-E9

Factual error: In the opening scene in Salem, Melinda Warren is going to be burned at the stake. But in the real Salem trials, no one was burned; all of the people convicted of witchcraft were hanged.

Cubs Fan

From Fear to Eternity - S1-E13

Plot hole: Prue finds an entry in the book of shadows about the fear demon written by her mother. How would her mother know anything about this demon when no one has seen him in nearly 1300 years, let alone how to defeat him?


Love Hurts - S1-E21

Continuity mistake: In this episode Leo specifically tells Prue, Piper and Phoebe not to touch the Darklighters arrow because it is poisonous however in future episodes/seasons, the Darklighter arrows are only poisonous to Whitelighters. (00:06:30)

The Power of Two - S1-E20

Other mistake: When Andy, Phoebe and Prue are in the attic figuring out how to vanquish the ghost of Alcatraz, pages starts flipping, the book opens up to the page where the truth spell is, and Andy finds out that Prue cast that spell on him. Later when he asks how much time Prue gave him to react, she says "a minute or two". But in the episode "Truth is out there" (1-8) it was first in Prue's office when she told him, and the clock on the wall shows that it's 25 past 5. And it was 8 o'clock when Prue cast that spell. So few hours later when Andy and Prue are at Andy's door, it's almost 8 o'clock and Prue says she needs the answer now. So doesn't Andy have more like few hours rather than few minutes to react?


Wicca Envy - S1-E10

Visible crew/equipment: After Jaime tells Prue that she's the hardest working woman he's ever met and believes she's innocent, Prue walks into the office to access Hannah's computer, and just as Prue sits down and moves closer to the desk, the blue T-mark is visible on the floor, under the office chair. (00:24:30)

Super Grover

The Power of Two - S1-E20

Continuity mistake: While Andy and Darryl are at the station talking about why Andy's been "walking a zombie," Andy places a pencil behind his ear, but when it cuts to Inspector Blakely walking in behind Andy the pencil has vanished between shots, but it reappears again in the next shot. Then when Andy borrows the photograph of the knife, once again the pencil vanishes between the closeup and wideshot. (00:09:10)

Super Grover

When Bad Warlocks Go Good - S1-E18

Continuity mistake: When Brendon is about to sacrifice the young woman he has the tip of the dagger touching her chest in one shot and in the next shot, when Prue breaks open the door, it is about six inches above her. Also, when the victim is talking to Andy she says that she felt the tip of the knife, that he was about to drive it into her, but he was stopped by three woman. (00:24:15)

Cole: Phoebe, I love you. I don't know what's going on but maybe I can help. Would you like me to kill someone for you?

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Chosen answer: Her agent/manager negotiated a special billing as part of her contract. It distinguishes her from the rest of the cast, probably when she became a producer on the show.

JC Fernandez

Answer: She became a producer.

Incorrect. Her billing changed in season 4 but she didn't become a producer until season 5.


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