Dear Dad - S1-E12

Continuity mistake: Frank hits the pole supporting the center of the tent, which lets the tent collapse. However, in later episodes, the tents, especially hers, has a sturdy wood frame and doesn't need a center pole.

Tuttle - S1-E15

Character mistake: Hawkeye and Trapper make Tuttle an alumnus of "Berlin Polytechnic" and translate that (wrongly) as "Berlinishes Polytechnikum". Berlin's polytechnic university was named "Technische Hochschule Berlin" at the relevant time - and at no time offered a medical curriculum. To study medicine in Berlin, Tuttle would have to attend "Freie Universität Berlin" instead.


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Suggested correction: And how are Hawkeye and Trapper suppose to know that? They are after all, making all this up. It is never meant to be factual.


It is intended to fool Margret and Frank, so it has to be assumed that they meant to pull it off. Hawkeye says "It can't be any place they'll check", which is why they select a German university in the first place. That shows it is indeed meant to be if not watertight, then at least convincing. To use an university you don't know the proper name of doesn't make sense under these circumstances.


Ceasefire - S1-E23

Other mistake: While celebrating the ceasefire, a Jeep full of people including Father Mulcahy stops between the Swamp and the main building. There's a streamer hanging down either side of Mulcahy from above the top of frame. Unless there's a power line to the Swamp that never appears at any time, there's nothing for it to hang from.

Movie Nut

M*A*S*H mistake picture

Showtime - S1-E24

Continuity mistake: When Kaplan shows Hawkeye his travel orders about going home, Hawkeye holds the paper between his index and middle fingers, but in the next shot, he's holding them between his index finger and thumb. (00:06:00)

Cubs Fan

Frank Burns: You disgust me!
Hawkeye: You're right, Frank... I discussed you with everyone I know and we all find you disgusting.

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That's Show Biz - S10-E1

Question: Talking with stripper Candy Doyle, Potter remarks that he still remembers how she used to spin her tassels and that he is reminded of this every time he sees a C 42 revving up. On the net I do find references to a C40A, a C47 and others, but no reference to an aircraft of the time called a C 42. What would he have been referring to?

Answer: The C-42 was a military variant of the Douglas DC-2. Very few C-42's were built, so it's questionable that Potter would specifically have seen that particular model, but, given his military background, it's not entirely unreasonable that he might use the military designation even when the aircraft in question is actually a civilian DC-2.


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