...Must Come to an End (2) - S6-E24
Trivia: The video montage Pacey shows Jen is to the tunes of Alanis Morrisette's "One Hand In My Pocket". The producers for "Dawson's Creek" originally wanted this song to play in the opening credits for the show but Morrisette said no.
...Must Come to an End (2) - S6-E24
Trivia: The scene towards the end, where Joey and Pacey are watching "The Creek" from her NYC apartment, was the actual last scene shot for the entire Series. Also during that scene, when Pacey is shown crying while watching "The Creek"; those were actual tears from shooting the very last scene of the entire Series. Joshua Jackson was really crying, not just acting. (01:41:10)
The Importance of Not Being Too Earnest - S6-E3
Trivia: After Joey finishes her email to Dawson, she clicks on her Address Book on her laptop. There is a brief shot of several names and email addresses. Again, the next morning Joey checks her laptop for email responses. To her surprise, she receives several email replies because she accidently sent the email to the Worthington Campus instead of Dawson. Again, you can see a brief shot of the names and addresses listed as responses. In both these shots, most of the names listed are actually crew members and management of "Dawson's Creek", as can be referenced in the Credits. (00:03:25 - 00:06:30)
All Good Things... (1) - S6-E23
Trivia: When Joey is watching "The Creek" on her TV in NYC, the show ends and you can see "Directed By Dawson Leery" on the screen. Right after that, you can see a page of credits for "The Creek" and they appear to be the same names, crew members as for 'Dawson's Creek'. (00:01:15)
All Good Things... (1) - S6-E23
Trivia: In this scene; when Pacey, Dawson and Joey are in the car driving back from the hospital, they aren't actually driving. This scene was filmed using something called a "Poor Man's Process"; which involved shaking the car a little, and a crew person holding two lights behind them to simulate headlights. This scene was actually shot on a soundstage, and could be fit in easily at virtually any point in the filming schedule. Normally scenes like this are shot with a car being towed on a trailer, but in this case that method was too expensive for their TV budget. (00:49:55)
Ego Tripping at the Gates of Hell - S6-E7
Trivia: When Pacey and Denise go back to his hotel room in New Orleans, you can see that the room number is 27. Interesting coincidence, because Joey and Audrey's dorm room for both years was 27. (00:27:25)
Trivia: When they are filming Natasha's scene, there is a close-up of the marker board. You can read the film title "Wicked Dead", the Director's name "TODD" and on the bottom line, the name "Frank Perl for "Camera". This is obviously an inside joke, as Frank Perl was the Director of Photography for Dawson's Creek. (00:12:00)
The Importance of Not Being Too Earnest - S6-E3
Trivia: When Joey is using her laptop to email Dawson, she opens her Address Book when finished to send the email. You can see a partial list of addresses, and if you look closely they are mostly names of crew members for the show. The names listed are: Alan Hartley; Bill King; Elizabeth Clay; Jane Beck (Art Department Coordinator); Julie Delaney (Key Hair); Sandra Allen (Key Make-Up). When Joey gets up the next morning, she checks her laptop for responses to the email she thought she had sent to Dawson. Again, the list of people responding appears to be crew/management-related for Dawson's Creek. Names are: Caleb Womble (Production Coordinator); Chad Graves (1st Assistant Director); Dale Williams (Associate Producer); David Hartly (Unit Production Manager); Frank Waldeck; Greg Prange (Producer); Heather Brannon (Assistant Production Coordinator); Linda Jasper; Michael Jefferson (2nd Assistant Director); Vikki King; Roger Lively (Paymaster); Frank Perl (Director Of Photography); Larry Long (Production Sound). (00:03:25 - 00:06:30)
Everything Put Together Falls Apart - S6-E9
Trivia: When Joey goes to her Professor's house to talk to him about her final, he mentions that she left 27 phone messages. Interesting coincidence; because Joey and Audrey's dorm room was 27 in both years, and Pacey's hotel room in New Orleans was also 27. The number 27 apparently has some significance to the show, as they seem to be using it a lot. (00:19:45)
Goodbye, Yellow Brick Road - S6-E21
Trivia: During this episode we see Mimi Rogers playing Jen's mother, when she comes to visit Boston. In Season 3, during the Thanksgiving episode, Jen's mother was played by Mel Harris. Coincidentally, Mimi Rogers and Katie Homes were both married to Tom Cruise.
Answer: It's only explained once in the series. Jack says to Andie "I tried to start kindergarten without you", meaning Andie was smart enough to start school early.