Corrected entry: When Dawson and Joey enter the French restaurant, they discover that Dawson's father has used the reservation that Dawson made weeks ago under the name "Leery". The man at the restaurant tells Dawson that 'he didn't realize there were two Leery parties'. But this situation doesn't make logical sense. Dawson's father came in first, without a reservation and would have known the table being reserved under his last name was not for him, since he hadn't made the reservation himself. So why would he have rudely taken his son's reservation? The father would have had to have mentioned his last name, or he wouldn't have been seated at a table reserved for the "Leery party". So he must have known he was using someone else's reservation (it could have been his wife's even, still using her married name), which wasn't something the character would normally do. And he couldn't have made his own reservation, because then there would have been no problem seating Dawson and Joey with the second Leery reservation. It doesn't seem likely Dawson's father would take his son's table reservation under the circumstances.
Corrected entry: At the beginning of this episode, Dawson and Jen are in their film class. The class was formerly taught by Mr. Gold, but was just taken over by "Miss Kennedy". Dawson and Jen are still sophomores in this second season. But during season one, we learned that Mr. Gold's film class was for juniors only; and he only let Dawson sit in as a 'Study Hall' type situation. So why, only a semester later in their sophomore year, are Dawson and Jen suddenly attending the actual film class as students, when it's supposed to be strictly for juniors only?
Correction: It's made pretty clear in the first instance that this was a rule imposed by Mr Gold himself, not the school.
Corrected entry: When Pacey goes over to Buzz's house to help him make meat loaf and mashed potatoes, Buzz is completely alone in the house. Buzz has made it clear (and mentions it again during this scene) that he is only 9 years old. Pacey also mentions during the scene that it was a 'good thing Mom had to work late tonight'. There doesn't appear to be a babysitter of any kind around. Legally a child under 12 requires supervision, yet Buzz was home alone when Pacey arrived.
Correction: It is not a mistake if a character breaks the law, or uses poor judgment.
Home Movies - S3-E4
Corrected entry: During the closing scene, Joey is seated in a chair watching her TV and the video tape Dawson had given her from their childhood. She would need a VHS Player in order to do this, but you can see that there is none on top of their TV. At that time, most people kept their VHS Players right on top of their televisions. It's possible that the VHS Player could have been located somewhere else in the room; but since Bessie and Joey are poor and live in a trailor/house with limited space, it's highly unlikely they would have an entertainment unit with electronics (including a VHS Player) on another wall. Logically it would make more sense for them to keep it on top of the TV in such a small room. But the TV is shown without a VHS Player on top of it.
Correction: I never have had a VCR, or any other component on top of my TV, they have always been under the TV. You don't have to have an expensive entertainment center for this, very cheap stands for TVs are available. They could have it just sitting on the floor, it would still work fine.
Dance (aka Dirty Dancing) - S1-E2
Corrected entry: When Dawson and Joey are walking home from The Dance, Joey tells Dawson that they should stay home and watch movies on the next dance night, because "The remote on the rewind of life does not work." She means, of course that "The rewind on the remote of life does not work." Katie Holmes actually starts laughing at herself, but the scene goes on anyway.
Correction: This is a character mistake.
Corrected entry: Andie is supposedly taking a drug called "Xanax", which Pacey keeps describing as a 'heavy duty drug for anxiety and depression'. Actually, Xanax is a class of medication called Benzodiazepines or tranquilizers, and is primarily to treat anxiety. It is not an antidepressent. In this scene, Andie takes the medicine out of the cabinet-and takes two rather large, blackish capsules. Xanax looks nothing like this, and normally is a very small white pill. Shortly after that Pacey goes into the bathroom, and takes the medicine bottle out of the trash. On the closeup of the label the drug name is printed "Zanac 20 MG, Take two pills once daily". Not only is the name of the drug misspelled, but the dosage is completely inappropriate. The real drug Xanax is normally taken at doses around .25 or .5 up to 2 MG. There is no way a doctor would prescribe a dose of 40 MG a day of Xanax. (00:05:15 - 00:05:50)
Correction: After posting this entry, it occurred to me that the writers may have been using a fictional medication named 'Zanac' as being similar to 'Prozac' (thus the similar AC spelling at the end), which is an anti-depressant for anxiety/depression. The dosage would be more appropriate, if the fictional medication was supposed to be like Prozac. They may have used the name 'Zanac' as a fictional form of Prozac, or a medication very similar to Prozac. It just sounded like Xanax, when the actor was pronouncing it, and because Xanax is a real medication. The writers must have felt more comfortable using a fictional medication, rather than the real one.
Good reasoning but no. Pacey says Xanax and it's in the subtitles as Xanax as well. I think you may be right kinda because Xanax is a brand name so maybe they didn't want the name shown in print. He did compare the medication she picked up to Prozac in previous episodes.
The Song Remains the Same (2) - S6-E2
Corrected entry: During Joey's surprise birthday party in her dorm room, she and Dawson start arguing and everyone else suddenly leaves. Right after that, as Joey and Dawson are standing in the room arguing, you can see the shadow of another person on the wall just behind Joey, to the left. The shadow appears to be a boom operator, with a long-handled boom mic, and you can see him moving in and out of the shot by his shadow. Dawson and Joey aren't moving at this point, so neither of them could be causing the shadow. Also, there is equipment shown in shadow as well.
Correction: It seems as if it is the shadow of the balloons moving, not any film crew member.
Corrected entry: Drue's "date" is introduced as Anna Evans, daughter of Dr. Evans who is President of the Club's Board. Later in the episode when everyone is out on the 'double date', Anna is talking to Pacey and finds out he spent an entire summer sailing on a boat. She mentions that 'Her Dad could use someone like you, he's always looking for help sailing'. This sets up the future storyline where Pacey is hired on her Father's boat for the Summer. However, in the first episode of Season 5, we are introduced to a girl named Melanie Shea Thompson; who apparently spent the entire Summer on the boat Pacey was working on as the daughter of the owner. Somehow Anna Evans has become Melanie Shea Thompson.
Correction: Actually, Melanie Shay Thompson is the niece. She states in that scene and when she comes back toward the end of the season that it's her uncle's boat.
Corrected entry: Northern Lights cannot be predicted, especially not days ahead.
Correction: This is wrong - check out
Corrected entry: When they are all leaving after AJ's award ceremony, Joey announces she wants to go back to AJ's dorm room. Morgan is not going back to the dorm, but is going out to the 'Arboraterium' which sounds like a club. Morgan has lent Joey her coat, but right before Morgan leaves, Joey catches her and hands her back her coat. Morgan accepts the coat without any protests and takes it with her. Why would Morgan accept the coat back from Joey when it's still cold out? This all seems rather illogical, as Joey still has to walk a distance in the cold night air without any type of covering over a scanty dress. She could have kept wearing Morgan's coat, since she and AJ were going back to his room in the dorm anyway and either one of them could have returned it to Morgan later. And handing it to Morgan when Joey still needs the coat is also illogical; as Morgan is not going back to the dorm but is going out to a club, and now has to carry two coats with her before eventually returning home. It would have made more sense for Joey to have returned the coat after she was through with it, at a more convenient time since Morgan was also living in the dorms. It also seems odd that AJ himself wouldn't have offered something of his for Joey to wear after Morgan left; as he had on a few layers of clothing including his outer coat, and she had bare shoulders as they walked in the freezing night air.
Correction: The arboretum is not a club, but refers to the Harvard arboretum, an outdoor area of trees.
Homecoming - S3-E2
Corrected entry: When Pacey and Joey go to the Clinic to pick up Andie, Pacey can't get past the clerk. Joey then hops onto the counter, and distracts the clerk by talking to her as Pacey crawls past on the floor to get to Andie's bedroom. So we understand how Pacey made it to Andie's bedroom, but what doesn't make sense is how Joey got there. After talking to the clerk, there is no way Joey could have just walked on up to Andie's bedroom without the clerk preventing her from going there after visiting hours. After all, Pacey couldn't walk up to Andie's bedroom because it was too late in the day, so why would the clerk allow Joey to? And Joey was in full view of the clerk, and therefore wouldn't have been able to sneak past her as Pacey did.
Correction: Obviously, the clerk was moved by Joey's history and let her go in.
Lost Weekend - S5-E2
Corrected entry: When Jack and Jen are talking at the beginning, Jack tells Jen that "She hasn't had sex the entire time he has known her". But this isn't true. Jen did have sex with Chris, the 'cool guy' who invited everyone over to his house to study for the big exam in Season 2. And Jen had known Jack by this time; as she met him previously during the school dance where Jack confronted Joey about their kiss.
Correction: But they weren't friends until the end of season 2; Jack obviously was talking about that.
Corrected entry: At the end of the episode, everyone gathers to have dinner with Andie as she tells them of leaving for Italy. Right at the very end-Dawson suddenly happens to have a very sophisticated camera mounted on a tripod for a group 'memory' photo. But when Joey runs into Dawson entering the restaurant before that, he mentions he was invited to have dinner with Andie alone. So was everyone else. Andie didn't announce her goodbye until after they had arrived, and Dawson couldn't have possibly known the other friends would be there as he thought he was having dinner with Andie alone. He also couldn't have known about her leaving Capeside ahead of time-as he only found out when she announced it at the restaurant. Therefore - why would Dawson suddenly have his best photo equipment and tripod on hand for a "group photo" if he thought he was having a private dinner with Andie and had no idea she was leaving, or all the other friends would be there? It makes no sense as the tripod implies he expected to take a "goodbye" group photo for Andie. But to his knowledge - it was just dinner with Andie. (00:42:10)
Correction: That was at his parents's restaurant, so he could have the camera there for some reason.
100 Light Years From Home - S5-E19
Corrected entry: When Joey and Pacey are talking while walking on the beach, Pacey makes a point of telling Joey that Dawson is her past, present and future. But later, when Dawson arrives and asks to see Joey-Pacey suddenly becomes very negative and tells Dawson that he should give up on any relationship with Joey because "it's over". This doesn't make sense for Pacey to contradict himself so strongly, and it was rude and hurtful for him to tell Dawson that. Especially when earlier in the Season during the funeral episode, Pacey told Joey that 'he was all for those two (her and Dawson) having their shot'.
Correction: That's just your opinion, not a mistake.
Corrected entry: When Dawson and Joey run into Jen in the hall at school, Jen mentions that 'she was going to see the day out' but decided to go home early instead. This was obviously early in the day, morning or lunch perhaps. But later when Jen arrives home from school and talks to Grams on the porch; Grams asks Jen 'how was her day' in a very matter-of-fact manner, and doesn't seem at all surprised that Jen has come home much earlier than usual. She acts as if Jen is Coming Home at her usual time, but this doesn't make sense as Jen is Coming Home much earlier and Grams should have noticed the difference.
Correction: Jen's grandfather had died the day before. It's possible she didn't go straight home from school. Or Grams was simply too emotionally distracted by her husband's passing to notice.
Love Bites - S6-E18
Corrected entry: When Dawson is excitedly telling Pacey about how well his movie project is going, he makes a point of saying that 'he's already written 20 pages of his script, and can't wait to get home to write some more'. But later in this episode, Dawson is in his bedroom trying to work on his script with apparent Writer's Block. He starts to type on the laptop screen "Open with" and can't go any further. This implies that he is just starting his script, and is blocked to go any further. But previously he claimed to have already written 20 pages, plus any others after he got home.
Correction: It sounds like he is lying to his friend, because he does not want to be embarrassed that he is not able to write anything.
Downtown Crossing (2) - S5-E15
Corrected entry: When the Mugger asks to see Joey, the Dr. explains to Joey about his condition as they walk to his hospital room. The Dr. tells her that the Mugger had undergone surgery to try to save his life, and had a 'sucking chest wound' which is obviously a substantial injury. Yet when they show the Mugger in the hospital bed, he is bare from the waist up. There are absolutely no signs of surgery or incisions anywhere that can be seen on camera, which is illogical considering all his internal bleeding and a massive chest wound.
Correction: In most cases a "sucking chest wound" is a reference to a punctured lung, sucking being the sound the doctor hears through the stethoscope. This can easily (and most commonly does) happen internally without any external injury, often a broken rib will puncture the lung and cause bleeding in the chest cavity. If a chest tube is put in to re-inflate the lung and drain blood from the cavity, it will always be inserted from the side and not readily visible when looking at someone straight on.
The Song Remains the Same (2) - S6-E2
Corrected entry: At the beginning of the episode, the camera pans across the floor of Joey's dorm room to her bed - showing the trail of clothing that apparently came off before she and Dawson were intimate. There is a clear close-up shown of her bra, implying that Joey was wearing street clothes at the time and took them off rapidly to sleep with Dawson. But in the previous episode; Joey had been in pajamas ready for bed when Dawson woke up and gave her the birthday gift, which led to the intimacy. Joey wasn't wearing a bra at that time, just pajamas. And she wouldn't likely have just dumped her street clothes on the floor in a trail leading to her bed before changing into PJs.
Correction: It might not be likely that she took off her clothes that way, but we can not say for sure, so it is not a mistake.
Corrected entry: Pacey and Joey are talking out on the dock, after they spent the night together. Towards the end of this scene, there is a close-up as Joey takes Pacey's hand and says, "Me too". At this moment you can see the name and location of the boat next to them, painted on the rear of the boat. Although the picture is a bit fuzzy, you can see that it says "Wilmington" under the boat's name, meaning the actual town in NC they are filming in, versus the fictional Capeside, Mass.
Correction: A boat does not have to stay where it is registered.
Corrected entry: During Jen's 'Scary Story' at the radio station, they show her playing an old fashioned vinyl record as her last song for the night. This is especially apparent when it starts skipping, and she finally runs back in to remove the needle from the vinyl. But this is the 21st century, and it would be likely that a trendy, major college radio station would not still be using vinyl records. They would be more likely be using newer technology and CDs.
Correction: They probably are using newer technology, but could still have a turn table in case someone wanted to play a record. There are purists out there that think records will always be the best medium for music, and a college radio station is usually the perfect place for those kind of people.
Correction: They both called to make a reservation, the restaurant thought that "a table for two, reserved at Leery's name", was the same both times.