Star Trek: Voyager
Star Trek: Voyager mistake picture

Flesh and Blood (1) - S7-E9

Visible crew/equipment: After Paris hails Tuvok about the problem in the mess hall, a brawl breaks out. When the new Hirogen Alpha enters the galley to access the com relay, just as this Alpha removes the front panel in order to transmit a signal, the actor's green tape mark is visible on the floor. (00:39:00)

Super Grover

Shattered - S7-E11

Plot hole: It's stated that only objects or people infused with the chronoton serum can pass through the time barriers, which is why the equipment belts and hyposprays had to be specially modified (these wouldn't be needed if the chronotons were producing a protective field wider than the infused object). But some un-infused artificial objects, such as clothing and com-badges, can pass through them without vanishing. This is most obviously seen in the scene when Chakotay pulls the captain through the barrier, since he doesn't even wait long enough for the serum to spread throughout her entire body, yet alone to perspire into her uniform.

Workforce (2) - S7-E17

Continuity mistake: When Neelix shows Torres her own quarters, her bat'leth can be seen in the background. It's a run of the mill bat'leth, unlike the one she actually hung up in 'Prophecy', which was gunmetal and had a spike in the middle.

Unimatrix Zero (2) - S7-E1

Plot hole: Tuvok says that he was born on Stardate 38774. But he was born in 2264, when Stardates were only counted in the thousands, not the tens of thousands. If he were really born on SD 38774, that would mean he was born only a few years before the Enterprise-D was launched.

Star Trek: Voyager mistake picture

Flesh and Blood (1) - S7-E9

Visible crew/equipment: When the camera turns to face Tuvok as he approaches the crazed Hirogen, two stage crew members can be seen at the left side of the screen. The first is a rather plump man wearing what appears to be dark pants, and a short sleeve light shirt, while the second is squatting down in front of the first wearing shorts. (00:09:05)


Star Trek: Voyager mistake picture

Author, Author - S7-E20

Visible crew/equipment: During B'Elanna's turn as the EMH protagonist in the Doctor's holonovel, when mustached "Marseilles" (Tom) enters the room, there are two red T-marks on the floor near the door. Then during Neelix's version as the EMH, when "Captain Jenkins" (Janeway) orders "Tulak" (Tuvok) and "Kymble" (Kim) to take the EMH for reprogramming, white T-marks are visible on the floor. (00:11:40 - 00:15:15)

Super Grover

Body and Soul - S7-E7

Continuity mistake: When Seven takes the mobile emitter off, it alternates position a few times. First, it's right side up. Then upside down in the close up, then right side up when the Doctor appears.

Movie Nut

Repression - S7-E4

Other mistake: In the 3D cinema scenes in the Holodeck, Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres can be seen using blue/cyan anaglyph glasses and the movie screen can be seen to be in blue/cyan also. This is fine and to be expected. However the shot in which the projection room can be seen behind the couple show the projection is through magenta/green filters. (00:03:30)


11:59 - S5-E23

Shannon O'Donnel: 5:00am, December 27th, 2000. I'm in the great state of...Indiana, I think. I saw the world's largest ball of string this morning and the world's largest beefsteak tomato this afternoon. It was the size of a Volkswagen. The string, not the tomato.


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Future's End (1) - S3-E8

Trivia: Rain Robinson has a model of a DY-100 on the window sill in her office. In 1996 (also the year this episode is set), Kahn left Earth in the SS Botany Bay, a DY-100 class starship.


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Chosen answer: Before Q sent the Enterprise to the beta quadrant to officially contact the Borg, there were already indications that the Borg was beginning to reach Federation territory. There were remarks towards the end of the first season of the Next Generation that several of the furthest Federation outposts were being attacked by some unknown enemy. They suspected the Romulans, but when contact with the Romulans was re-established, they learned that it was not them. The Hansens had simply figured things out much earlier than anyone else in the Federation. They learned about the Borg nine years earlier, but Starfleet mainly took notice when their outposts started getting wiped out. It is logical to assume that there were indications of Borg scouting parties and research efforts well before that.


Answer: Add to that, the two transport ships at the start of Star Trek: Generations were carrying El-Aurian refugees to Earth. It wasn't stated in the film what they were refugees of, but Guinan would state in TNG that the Borg wiped out her planet and most of her people, so it's a safe bet that's what it was. And with 47 El-Aurians being rescued by the Enterprise-B, there were plenty of people to tell Starfleet about this cybernetic threat. At the time though, Starfleet did not have the ability or resources to investigate this further, and it was eventually forgotten when other things became important until the Enterprise-D encountered that cube at J-25.

Answer: Keep in mind in Star Trek: First Contact; it's known the Borg were present during the first flight. It's also brought up again on Star Trek: Enterprise Season 2 Episode 23, Regeneration. Archer talks about how Zefram Cochrane mentions cybernetic aliens from the future were trying to attack the settlement and how another group of human beings from the future destroyed them.

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