Plot hole: Tuvok says that he was born on Stardate 38774. But he was born in 2264, when Stardates were only counted in the thousands, not the tens of thousands. If he were really born on SD 38774, that would mean he was born only a few years before the Enterprise-D was launched.
Plot hole: It's stated that only objects or people infused with the chronoton serum can pass through the time barriers, which is why the equipment belts and hyposprays had to be specially modified (these wouldn't be needed if the chronotons were producing a protective field wider than the infused object). But some un-infused artificial objects, such as clothing and com-badges, can pass through them without vanishing. This is most obviously seen in the scene when Chakotay pulls the captain through the barrier, since he doesn't even wait long enough for the serum to spread throughout her entire body, yet alone to perspire into her uniform.
Suggested correction: It's also possible that it's simply required of Ocampan women to give birth the first time they go through it, and can then experience it again.
Greg Dwyer
Nothing in the dialogue suggest Ocampa's can have additional children. While we can speculate about fictitious species, it's still a plot hole due to writing. Kes states she's going through the "elogium" which is a time of change where her body prepares for fertilization. She then explicit states the "elogium" only occurs once. While the doctor compares it to puberty, the elogium is both sexual maturity and "heat", that is, the time a female is ready for fertilization.
But it doesn't ever state the normalcy of birthing for Ocompans. Perhaps sextuplets is the norm?
Kes frequently used the word "child." If it was normal to give birth to more than one, she would know this and should say "children."
Do not forget that this is all done through the universal translator. For all you know the Ocompan word for child and children is the same so the translator cannot tell the difference.