Karen: [storming angrily out of the Principal's Office.] You dragged me down to this God-forsaken place to tell me my kids made the Honor Roll? Honey, my time is precious, call me when one of them gives birth at the prom!
Karen: Good Lord. I can't believe I'm at a public pool. Why doesn't somebody just pee directly on me?
Karen: Gosh, I don't think that I've ever been stressed out. Why would I be? I've got practically no responsibilities, my job's a breeze and I've got a killer rack! Good morning!
Jack: Welcome to Cynical Island, population: you.
Grace: That's not a complement. A compliment is 'you're sexy', 'you turn me on', not 'one look at you proves I'm a queer'.
Karen: You say potato, I say vodka.
Karen: Sorry I'm late. Oh God, that sounded insincere... I'm late!
Karen: Hey Hey Hey Hey, This is a place of business! We are trying to get some work done in here and we don't need you just barging... Wait, I'm saying it and I don't even buy it!
Karen: Oh, coulda shoulda prada!
Karen: It's a victimless crime, like tax evasion or public indecency.
Karen: [to Will.] By your inflection I can tell that you think what you're saying is funny, but... No.
Answer: A history of the game can be found at http://www.fast-rewind.com/bacon.htm.
J I Cohen