Easter egg: In the 2 Disc set of Red Dwarf Series V, on the 1st disc, choose Select Episode then Quarantine and then choose next, then on the next page you'll see Mr Flibble, click him and then see a small clip.
Easter egg: In the 2 disc set of Red Dwarf Series V, on the 2nd disc, if you choose subtitles and then just below the red subtitle sign, there will be a picture of Holly's head, click this and you can see a featurette on "How did Holly obtain her Manchester accent?"
Easter egg: On the 1st Disc, of the 2 Disc set of Red Dwarf Series V, go to Main Menu, then Select Episode, then Drive Room, and then select the glove that is on the floor. It takes you to a code panel, then enter the code 1,4,5 and you can see a cartoon of the director and other people talking about Back To Reality.