Red Dwarf

Stasis Leak - S2-E4

Continuity mistake: In the lift, when the woman in the video is explaining how the lift works, she mentions "a bag will drop containing sedatives and cyanide capsules", pointing upwards. The shot cuts to Lister, and the woman in the video can be seen to the left of shot, with her arms at her side. (00:08:35)

Casual Person

Stasis Leak - S2-E4

Continuity mistake: When Lister walks through the Stasis Leak for the first time, his hands are up by his face and his locks are in front of his shoulders. In the next shot from the mirror, his arms are lowered and his locks are only over his right shoulder. (00:09:30)


Red Dwarf mistake picture

Stasis Leak - S2-E4

Continuity mistake: When Rimmer is talking to the captain while he is dressed as a chicken, the blue bucket moves between camera cuts from being hung up on the large canister, to being on the floor next to Rimmer's bed. (00:20:35)


Red Dwarf mistake picture

Stasis Leak - S2-E4

Continuity mistake: In the hotel room, when future Lister is telling Lister he doesn't look pleased to see him, the two Listers are standing directly in front of each other, but from another angle, future Lister is standing around 90° rotated from before, and a few steps to the right of Lister. (00:25:35)

Casual Person

Stasis Leak - S2-E4

Continuity mistake: When Lister is in the hotel room with future Lister and Kochanski, Lister says he came because he thought he was going to get married whilst talking to future Lister, but in the next shot, Lister's facial expression has suddenly changed and is now looking more confused. (00:25:35)

Casual Person

Stasis Leak - S2-E4

Continuity mistake: When future Lister is making Lister and Cat leave the hotel room, Lister begins talking to future Lister about living his life. Future Lister is standing beside the door in one shot, but has his head suddenly resting on the door in the next shot. (00:26:25)

Casual Person

Timeslides - S3-E5

Factual error: The writer's understanding of the history of Nazism and its leaders is a bit shonky. Claus von Stauffenberg did not plant a bomb in Hitler's briefcase - he put it in his own briefcase which he planted in a meeting room next to Hitler (some berk moved it). This was in July 1944, while the last Nuremberg rally - which Lister visits, bringing back the briefcase - was in 1938. Stauffenberg didn't even join the anti-Hitler conspiracy until 1943. Red Dwarf is not an 'alternate history' - they correctly identify elements of the Stauffenberg plot and the Nazi regime, they just get them wrong.

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White Hole - S4-E4

Rimmer: The thing about Captain Oates... The thing you have to remember about Captain Oates... Captain Oates... Captain Oates was a prat.

More quotes from Red Dwarf

Trivia: The actor who plays the original Kryten, in 'Kryten', also turns up later as the voice of Talkie Toaster.

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Meltdown - S4-E6

Question: When Kryten and Rimmer were doing the roster of their ranks, Why did Kryten skip the old woman in the black dress with the white shoulder sash between Dali Lama and Mr. Noel Coward?

Answer: It's Queen Victoria, someone any Englishman would recognize, and needed no introduction.

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