Band of Brothers

Currahee - S1-E1

Character mistake: In the scene where Captain Sobel is inspecting the soldiers at the beginning of the episode, he goes up to Sergeant Lipton and notices something wrong with his chevrons. Well, in that part, Sergeant Lipton is not standing correctly in the position of attention because he is sort of slouching and his head is in front of his shoulders and the correct position of attention is standing straight up and having your neck behind your shoulders. If he was in the real army, he would have gotten a punishment for not standing at the correct position of attention. (00:09:30)

Crossroads - S1-E5

Revealing mistake: When Easy is paddling across the river to aid the British soldiers, there is a shot where the person closest to the camera (Bull Randleman) appears to be rowing, but there is nothing in his hands.

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Replacements - S1-E4

Question: When Bull is hiding in the barn after being hit by shrapnel, he takes something from the end of his rifle and bites a big chunk off it and starts chewing. What is this?


Answer: He bit off a piece of a cigar.

Chosen answer: It's chewing tobacco.

Paul Plesser

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