Sex and the City

Sex and the City (1998)

25 corrected entries in season 6

(24 votes)

Correction: Miranda says "Down the Hatch." This is a real bar that threatened to sue HBO for insinuating that you could buy marijuana there. Http://

Let there be light - S6-E13

Corrected entry: When Carrie is typing on her computer, she is wearing 'arm warmers' as if the temperature is cold. But she is also wearing very flimsy lingerie. If it was cold enough to need arm warmers, why would she be wearing such light clothing? The arm warmers wouldn't be a fashion statement, as she is alone in her apartment and no one can see her. (00:16:20)

Correction: Carrie wears things for fashion even when she's at home. People with Raynaud's or other similar issues may need to wear warmers or gloves to protect the extremities in temperate conditions.


Carrie Bradshaw as a character did not have any 'exotic' or serious diseases or health issues. And the arm warmers weren't really a fashion statement, they were obviously to show she was too cold. Yet she is wearing very flimsy nightwear, that provides no warmth. The inconsistency is real.

Splat! - S6-E18

Corrected entry: Elizabeth Taylor is "gang banged" at the park by a number of dogs of different breeds. Yet the puppies that she has are all King Charles Spaniels just like their mother.

Correction: The puppies are mixed breed of the first dog that mated with her.

Catch-38 - S6-E15

Corrected entry: Miranda is in bed with Steve on their honeymoon, and she obviously doesn't have any clothing on. But the very next shot shows her getting out of bed, and pulling up the straps of a black negligee that she is suddenly wearing. There was no time for her to have put it on. (00:10:45)

Correction: There is nothing to say she was nude under the covers. It's entirely possible that they pushed down the top and/or pulled up the bottom of her nightie to have sex at some point and she was just readjusting it as she got up. Happens all the time.

The one - S6-E12

Corrected entry: When Aleksandr and Carrie are having their late dinner, he asks her if she would like some fruit. Carrie replies: "I'm not really a fruit person". Yet this is contradictory to her character, as we have seen her eating fruit throughout the series, eg. cherries while watching SNL during the afternoon, and an apple while working on her computer. (00:30:25)

Correction: That's being a little too literal. Even if she didn't particularly like fruit, it doesn't mean she hates it and never eats it (it's good for you, afterall). Some people are that way about eating vegetables. Carrie may also just not have wanted a whole piece of fruit in addition to dinner. In fact, the entire Russian meal was a bit much for her taste.


A woman's right to shoes (a.k.a. no shoes, no service) - S6-E9

Corrected entry: Every time we see Harry walking around naked in their apartment; his back is completely free of hair and any blemishes, pits, etc. The first time he tried waxing his back; he had a terrible allergic reaction that caused a rash, and his skin was heavily pitted. So how can his back be completely clear now? Even if he decided to wax his back regularly to please Charlotte, wouldn't he still be having bad allergic reactions to the waxings and wouldn't be able to continue? And what happened to all the blemishes and cysts that were there the first time he waxed?

Correction: I have had my legs waxed for many years. One time i went to a different salon and reacted badly to that type of wax. Maybe Harry reacted badly to the first type of wax, but was OK with others.

Correction: This is due to the fact that Carrie is a writer, and wouldn't stop writing after losing her column in NYC. She may have been keeping a journal in Paris, or writing for her own benefit - perhaps thinking it might be good material for a future book, etc. Just because she was no longer working for the Star, doesn't mean as a person she would stop writing. Also, she may have had doubts inside about her move, and was writing in case things didn't work out and she moved back to NYC and got her column back (which is what happened!).

Correction: This has nothing to do with her writing the column. We are hearing Carrie's "inner monologue," some of which would be translated into her column. She is a writer and already has one book published, so she would continue writing about her life. Writers don't stop writing just because their circumstances change, and this may be a daily journal or diary.


Correction: Films and TV series frequently don't film on location at the actual places depicted.


Your opinion does not constitute what is interesting for others.

Pick-a-little, talk-a-little - S6-E4

Corrected entry: After Miranda and Paul have a successful dinner date, he abruptly ends the night and tells her he has to get home. Miranda finally gets Paul to admit the truth, and he informs her that he has diarrhea and goes running off in a hurry along the sidewalk towards home. But if Paul was in that much gastrointestinal distress that he has to end a date and rush home, why wouldn't he just go back inside the restaurant and use their bathroom? They are standing right outside the restaurant, and it would have been much faster and more convenient than having to wait until he got home. (00:19:25)

Correction: Paul was obviously embarrassed by having to answer "nature's call," no matter how urgent. It was an awkward situation, and this being their first date, he likely did not want Miranda to know about his sudden need for a bathroom. Considering his predicament, he may have wanted to avoid using the restaurant's facilities under those circumstances.


This makes no sense. If the need was that bad, it's more important to find a nearbye restroom than worry about how your 'date' feels. There is no shame, guilt, or embarrassment in having to use a bathroom on a date. Many people do, and mention it out loud. It is irrational to risk extreme discomfort having to wait an extended period of time in those circumstances, rather than just go back inside the restaurant. He could have waited until his date left to do so, if necessary. But it's not a big deal to just go back inside.

It was obviously a big deal for Paul. I have a friend whose son-in-law will not use a public restroom under any circumstances. Some people have what's called a "bashful kidney" and can only relieve themselves at home. Apparently, Paul is an extreme case.


The one - S6-E12

Corrected entry: When Charlotte is on the couch watching TV, there is a shot where you can see the backs of both of her hands. She is again wearing the simple gold wedding band on her right hand as she did previously, but she also has on her new wedding band that Harry gave her on her left hand. There is no sight of the large diamond engagement ring he gave her either. It seems strange that Charlotte would be wearing two wedding bands, and not her diamond ring from her current marriage. (00:19:50)

Correction: The ring may just be any ring she has. It most likely isn't her old wedding band, considering how Charlotte's personality is. A lot of people wear plain band rings, and just because she's wearing one, doesn't mean it is her old wedding band.

Correction: Charlotte frequently wears a plain gold band in previous series, even before meeting Trey.

The catch - S6-E8

Corrected entry: When Steve and Debbie are leaving Miranda's apartment, Steve calls out, "Bye Martha". The woman he is referring to is named Magda. (00:13:30)

Correction: He says "Bye, Magda", but with his thick New York accent, it could be misunderstood by some as sounding like "Martha".

Great sexpectations - S6-E2

Corrected entry: In this episode when Charlotte is talking to the Rabbi, she says, 'I'm a 37 year old woman.' She celebrated her 36th birthday in the episode "Luck be an old lady" in series 5. However, how is it possible that she's turned 37 when Miranda had Brady at the end of series 4 and he didn't turn 1 till later on in series 6 - so how has Charlotte aged a year?


Correction: The 5th series was cut short because Sarah Jessica Parker became pregnant, therefore creating a gap between the 5th and 6th series of at least 9 months. The character and actress for Charlotte would have no doubt become a year older in that time. This is never addressed in the show because Sarah Jessica Parker wasn't supposed to have been pregnant, but it still explains why Charlotte is suddenly 37.


Boy, interrupted - S6-E10

Corrected entry: When the girls are sitting by the pool discussing men, Samantha at one point says, "No one wants to admit they're in a looney bin". To which Carrie replies, "On a first date", referencing her high school boyfriend Jeremy. But Jeremy actually told Carrie about the mental institution on their second date, when she invited him over to her apartment. Their first date was dinner at the restaurant, where they met. (00:14:40)

Correction: This isn't a mistake. When Carrie says "On a first date" it's tagged along to what Samantha said, as in "No one wants to admit they're in a looney bin." "On a first date" meaning that her boyfriend DIDN'T say anything about a mental institution on the first date, but rather on the second.

To market, to market - S6-E1

Corrected entry: When Charlotte wakes up in the morning next to Harry, she turns over to talk to him. At this point, you can see that she is still wearing a simple gold wedding band on her right hand. This makes no sense, as she is completely divorced and already dating someone else. She wouldn't still be wearing her wedding ring from her marriage with Trey. (00:11:00)

Correction: This most likely isn't her wedding ring, because she gave her old ring to Carrie in season 4 after her breakup with Aiden. Carrie needed to buy her apartment from Aiden, who purchased it when she realized her building was going co-op, and Charlotte gave her the ring from her wedding with Trey to help Carrie out. Women wear all different types of rings, and on Sex and the city, they always wear some sort of jewelry and have accessories.

Charlotte gave her engagement ring to Carrie, with very expensive diamonds. Not her gold wedding band which was worth much less. This was very clear as the point of the entire episode.

Also-women do not customarily wear more than one gold wedding band.

Correction: Charlotte wears a simple gold band throughout the series, even before she met Trey.

A woman's right to shoes (a.k.a. no shoes, no service) - S6-E9

Corrected entry: When Carrie is telling the rest of the girls at the restaurant, about her shoes being stolen, Charlotte asks her 'who would steal shoes at a party'. Carrie answers, "Someone Size 7 with excellent taste". But previously in season 4, episode 16, when Carrie and Miranda are shoe shopping together, Carrie asks to try on Size 7 1/2. Her shoe size apparently changes throughout the series from 7 to 7 1/2. Her actual feet, however are much larger as you can see from close-ups of the real shoes. (00:08:20)

Correction: Not everyone wears the same exact size shoe for every type of shoe. Some shoe designers run a little big, and some run a little small. Also, certain types of shoes are built differently, so your size can be different from the size you wear with your other shoes.

The cold war - S6-E17

Corrected entry: When Carrie arrives home and checks her phone machine, Mr. Big has left some messages. In one of them, he mentions that he 'called her cell, but he must have copied her cell phone number wrong, because he got another person instead'. But this doesn't make logical sense. Mr. Big has already called Carrie on her cell phone (IE: "Thrift Store", "Jury Duty"), and obviously knows her correct number. And if he had written it down, he must have written it down correctly to have called her on her cell. (00:10:20)

Correction: There was some time that elapsed since they talked on the phone (those times they talked on her cell, she was still with Berger, and time elapsed because her hair is longer when she checked her machine). Perhaps he had her number on his cell phone and lost his phone, along with his SIM card that has all his numbers, or forgot to copy the numbers when changing his phone, and copied it from a physical address book he has. Or possibly Carrie could have changed her number and he wrote it down incorrectly when they talked last.

Carrie uses the same cell phone throughout most of the series, until she throws it in the ocean in Mexico during her 'honeymoon'. She also mentions how important her original number was, in the first movie, implying she has been using it from the beginning. She did not apparently change her cell phone or phone number throughout the series. And it is highly unlikely that Mr. Big would have lost his phone, along with his SIM card. It still makes no sense that he had to write her number down as if it were a new number, when it was the same one he has been using for years and would probably have it memorized.

Let there be light - S6-E13

Corrected entry: When Carrie wakes up at Aleksander's house and he's not there, we can see her hair is curled. When she arrived at the apartment, and also when she leaves (to look for him in his studio), her hair is straightened.

Correction: There is no continuity error. Carrie straightened her hair before going over to Aleksander's house, for her 'look'. Then since her hair is naturally curly, it went back to that state while she was sleeping (and with moisture in the air). Then, there is an implied amount of time after she wakes up, and before she goes to leave, that she took a shower, straightened her hair again, etc. In essence, getting her 'look' ready for the day.

Great sexpectations - S6-E2

Corrected entry: Before Berger passes out on Carrie's bed, he takes off his jacket and sports coat, and even begins unbuttoning his shirt. When the 2 wake up in the morning, Berger's shirt is buttoned up, and his sports jacket is back on. I don't know about you, but when I pass out I don't wake up to put clothes back on.


Correction: Berger never takes his jacket or shirt off. He starts to, but it only makes it to his shoulder. He is dressed when he falls asleep.

Correction: So she left her phone at the restaurant. If she used that cell phone just after leaving it, that would be a mistake, but as such it's simply a character mistake, not a 'movie' mistake.

Correction: I have watched this scene, and the black and white dress is there the entire time. Sometimes the shot is from a different angle, where you can't see the closet or the dress hanging, but that's just the angle of the camera (aimed toward her living room). In the shots of her closet, the dress is always there.

More mistakes in Sex and the City

Charlotte: How can you forget a guy you've slept with?
Carrie: Toto, I don't think we're in single digits anymore.

More quotes from Sex and the City

Boy, interrupted - S6-E10

Trivia: When Samantha runs into Phoebe on the street, Phoebe is really Geri Halliwell, one of the Spice Girls (Ginger Spice). At the same time that they were filming this scene in front of the SoHo House, Victoria Beckham (Posh Spice) and David Beckham were actually inside the SoHo House as well. (00:04:50)

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Answer: Yes, it is.

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