Visible crew/equipment: When Stanford and Carrie arrive at the furniture place he says "look at this place." Check the reflection on the shop window: There's a boom mic following them.

Running with scissors - S3-E11
Visible crew/equipment: During breakfast, when Charlotte asks about upper length gloves, check her lenses reflection: Sam (in front of her) is replaced by a big squared object, most surely the camera.
Visible crew/equipment: When Sam steps off the blue car a big white rectangular object is reflected on the door. Surely some type of filming equipment, for it disappears in the wide angle.
Visible crew/equipment: At the hotel pool, a boom mic is reflected on Miranda's glasses.

Hot child in the city - S3-E15
Visible crew/equipment: When Charlotte tells Trey to go to a doctor and she says "What options do we have?", two rectangular bluish lighting screens are reflected on her lenses. Can't be the lamp in front of her because it's vanilla coloured and has a totally different shape.

Hot child in the city - S3-E15
Visible crew/equipment: When Wade's parents arrive the camera crane is reflected on the hood.
Answer: Yes, it is.