Other mistake: When Bruce Banner is loosening his bow tie, he says it's cutting off the circulation to his head. If you look closely, you can see that it was loosely wrapped around his neck to begin with.
Continuity mistake: When She-Hulk and Bruce's limo is approaching the building, you can see the car slowing to a stop. When the shot changes to inside the limo, you can tell by the light glares passing by the window behind Bruce that the limo is now moving faster.
Other mistake: The reporter in the opening scene mentions that the Chateau de Shae is 80 floors. The camera then pans up the entire length of the building, and you can see it is nowhere near 80 floors high. It's only roughly half that size.
Other mistake: When Lou Ferrigno is walking away from the reporter, his movement suggests that he is walking on a downward slope, even though he is on level ground. He also disappears into thin air just before he would have stepped out of view.

Other mistake: The reflection of the spotlights in the water in the opening shot does not match the movement of the spotlights themselves. (00:00:01)

They Call Me Mr. Fixit - S2-E4
Continuity mistake: When She-Hulk enters Miss Allure's highrise by scaling the building and coming through the window, the window is instantly closed again when she confronts Miss Allure (note the glare on the window just over She-Hulk's right shoulder). (00:19:39)

They Call Me Mr. Fixit - S2-E4
Continuity mistake: After Miss Allure fails to hypnotize She-Hulk, the white of She-Hulk's eyes are briefly colored green. (00:20:02)

They Call Me Mr. Fixit - S2-E4
Other mistake: When Crusher Creel is saying "Dr. GQ there is gettin' just a little too cozy for his own good," his head has been drawn wider than his bowler hat. (00:08:49)

They Call Me Mr. Fixit - S2-E4
Continuity mistake: When Crusher Creel first finds Banner in the building wreckage, Crusher is shirtless. When the shot changes, Crusher is suddenly wearing the tattered remains of his suit jacket. (00:17:42)

They Call Me Mr. Fixit - S2-E4
Continuity mistake: After Crusher Creel breaks down the door to the warehouse, the shot changes and he and Banner are instantly standing just inside the doorway to the warehouse. (00:10:44)
They Call Me Mr. Fixit - S2-E4
Continuity mistake: When She-Hulk goes flying off the ramp, you can see the based on how quickly the clouds are passing by in the driver's side window that the car isn't moving very fast. When the shot changes to outside the car, the rate at which the clouds move along the screen as the car flies through the air suggests it is now instantly moving a lot faster.

They Call Me Mr. Fixit - S2-E4
Continuity mistake: When She-Hulk is following Miss Allure's limousine, we see a shot of her hitting the gas pedal, and you can see the brake pedal next to it. When she is shown hitting the gas pedal again, the brake pedal is now missing and the gas pedal itself is larger than previously shown. (00:10:06)

They Call Me Mr. Fixit - S2-E4
Continuity mistake: When Crusher Creel is jealously watching Bruce Banner giving Miss Allure a once-over, he transforms his hand into stone. When the shot changes, his hand is back to being flesh. Moments later when Miss Allure tells Crusher to take Banner shopping, his hand is stone again and transforms back into flesh. (00:08:45 - 00:09:26)
They Call Me Mr. Fixit - S2-E4
Other mistake: When the receptionist is telling She-Hulk about the highrise with the eyes, the eye shaped windows on the building shift slightly up and to the left as the camera zooms in.

They Call Me Mr. Fixit - S2-E4
Other mistake: When She-Hulk is sleeping on the plane, her locks of hair are somehow tucked behind her left eyebrow. (00:03:34)

Continuity mistake: When Dark Hulk arms the nuclear warhead, the orientation of the timer is the same as the control buttons. When Banner disarms the warhead, the orientation of the timer is now upside down respective to the control buttons. (00:18:00 - 00:20:26)

Continuity mistake: After the alien entity has been purged from Bruce Banner's body, he is on all fours and tilts his head back, with the warhead behind him. When the shot changes, his head is pointing forward again and the warhead is now directly in front of him. (00:20:15)
Other mistake: When Dark Hulk lifts up the middle army tank, he rotates the tank towards the two tanks on either side of it and fires the tank gun at both of them. Since he's holding the tank from the bottom, he has no way of controlling the tank gun, and there's no reason the tank's gunner would fire on his own men.
Factual error: When the Dark Hulk is attacking the city and destroys a helicopter, the occupants can be seen with their parachutes already deployed immediately after the helicopter has exploded. Not only would they not have had enough time to already be parachuting to safety, but given that the helicopter was only a few stories high in the air, they wouldn't have had time to safely deploy their parachutes in the first place.
Continuity mistake: When the alien entity transforms Bruce Banner's body into a purple-skinned Hulk, his hair also turns black. When the shot changes, his hair is back to being brown.
Answer: I believe it was mentioned in an issue of Wizard Magazine that the show was cancelled because of low ratings, and reportedly the show's creative shift in the second season had a part to play in the low ratings, as the changes alienated fans.
Phaneron ★