The Incredible Hulk

The Incredible Hulk (1996)

18 mistakes in Darkness and Light: Part 1 - chronological order

(6 votes)

Darkness and Light: Part 1 - S1-E11

Continuity mistake: When Hulk is smashing his fists against the cliff walls, he causes Doc Samson to fall off the cliff and into the river near Hulk's feet. A couple of shots later, Samson has disappeared from view and a boulder is there in his place. (00:02:20)


The Incredible Hulk mistake picture

Darkness and Light: Part 1 - S1-E11

Continuity mistake: Just before Doc Samson tackles Talbot, Talbot fires his blaster, which hits the middle of a console. A couple of shots later, the blast mark is at the top of the console. Its size and shape change as well. In the wide shot it is nowhere to be seen. (00:14:00)


The Incredible Hulk mistake picture

Darkness and Light: Part 1 - S1-E11

Continuity mistake: The nutrient bath container that separated Banner and Hulk was large enough for both to comfortably fit inside, but when Betty is trying to perform CPR on Banner, you can see an unconscious Hulk still in the container, and it is suddenly barely large enough for him alone to fit inside. The design of the container also changes. (00:14:20)


The Incredible Hulk mistake picture

Darkness and Light: Part 1 - S1-E11

Continuity mistake: When Rick Jones comes to tell Betty that S.H.I.E.L.D. has taken the Hulk, he is standing by the door, and she is standing at the foot of Banner's bed. When the shot changes, they are both suddenly standing in front of a large window. (00:19:05)


The Incredible Hulk mistake picture

Darkness and Light: Part 1 - S1-E11

Continuity mistake: When Doc Samson first breaks through the floor of the vehicle that is transporting the Hulk, his arm is emerging next to the platform that Hulk is secured to. When the shot changes, Samson's entire body is coming through the hole, and the base of the platform is nowhere to be seen. (00:19:54)


The Incredible Hulk mistake picture

Darkness and Light: Part 1 - S1-E11

Continuity mistake: When Doc Samson kicks through the cab wall of the vehicle that is transporting the Hulk, he leaves a hole roughly the size of his leg, and the appearance of the damage suggests he kicked through metal. A couple of shots later, the hole is large enough for a person to fit through, and the appearance of the damage suggests it is now broken glass. (00:19:56)


Darkness and Light: Part 1 - S1-E11

Plot hole: When Hulk and Banner have been physically separated by the nutrient bath, they are both wearing tattered pants. Given that Hulk and Banner were previously occupying the same body, this should not be possible. Hulk was the one that went into the nutrient bath, so if Banner's body was separated from Hulk, then Banner should be naked.


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Suggested correction: It was done deliberately as a form of censorship. They didn't want to show Bruce's genitals.

Explaining why the mistake occurred doesn't invalidate it. Unless you're suggesting the nutrient bath also was able to duplicate the pants.


I am not. I am just explaining the reason behind this error.

Do you have a source for this explanation? If not, I would call it conjecture and while it doesn't invalidate the mistake, it does change it to a deliberate mistake if true.


You realise a character can be drawn naked without actually showing their genitals (and/or breasts in the case of women), right? The Little Mermaid is a good example of this.


Darkness and Light: Part 1 - S1-E11

Other mistake: When Doc Samson attacks the convoy, he begins by bursting his hands out of the asphalt. This is pretty illogical, as for him to be able to wait for the convoy to reach him and then break his hands through the asphalt at the right moment would mean he would have to be inside the road itself, which means there would have to be a void between the layer of asphalt and the surface beneath it large enough for a person to fit inside, which would be a hazard, as the weight of cars passing over would eventually cause this section of the street to collapse.


Darkness and Light: Part 1 - S1-E11

Other mistake: When Betty is trying to revive Bruce, a console explodes and a corridor is revealed that soldiers emerge from. It makes no sense for a heavy piece of machinery to be blocking the way into a corridor if blowing up the console is the only means of getting in or out.


Darkness and Light: Part 1 - S1-E11

Other mistake: When the Outcasts are launching boulders at the helicopters, they hit one that explodes immediately, and both occupants can be seen emerging from the fireball, safely parachuting to the ground. Even if they were able to jump from the helicopter before it exploded, their proximity to the explosion would have killed them before they had the chance to deploy their parachutes.


Darkness and Light: Part 1 - S1-E11

Other mistake: The river that Hulk battles Doc Samson in is only ankle-deep, but when Samson knocks Hulk out with the sonic gun, the river current is able to carry Hulk downstream. Hulk is lying flat on his back, and since the water is only ankle-deep, his back would be touching the floor of the river. In this case, the current of a shallow river would not be able to carry someone of the Hulk's mass.


The Return of the Beast: Part 1 - S1-E1

Trivia: When we see the flashback of the accident that caused Bruce Banner to become the Hulk, at first we see the Hulk colored gray and then slowly turn green. This is a reference to the comics, in which the Hulk was gray in his original appearance.


More trivia for The Incredible Hulk

Answer: The Hulk is a giant brute who smashes everything in his path when he is angry. In Ang Lee's "Hulk," General Ross, played by Sam Elliot, explains it to his daughter.

Answer: Because he feels the Hulk is a threat to all life on Earth, and particularly his daughter's close relationship with Bruce Banner puts her at risk when Hulk enters the equation.


Why does Ross think the hulk is a threat?

Because the Hulk is nearly mindless and goes on destructive rampages with high risk of collateral damage.


If that's the case, what's the problem with the way general Ross judges the hulk?

It's nuanced. Ross is correct to recognize the potential danger the Hulk presents, but he's also too stubborn to realise that he usually exacerbates the Hulk's rampages by trying to engage him in combat instead of trying to calm him down.


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