Young Sheldon

Young Sheldon (2017)

90 mistakes

(11 votes)

Young Sheldon mistake picture

Pilot - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: At the dinner table at the start of the episode, the spoons are constantly changing position without being touched by people. Most noticeable is the red-handled spoon in the middle pot. (00:01:30)


Little Green Men and a Fella's Marriage Proposal - S6-E18

Character mistake: When Dr. Bell examines baby Constance, she has the stethoscope in her ears facing backwards. Also, when Sheldon and the professors are looking at the data from the telescope, Dr. Linkletter says "what about that" and Dr. Prakash says "no, that's within the standard deviation." That doesn't make sense.


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Suggested correction: Not taking anything away from the other correction, but these are two separate mistakes put into one entry.


Additionally, a "standard deviation" is a significant concept that helps scientists determine when they have actual results worth investigating.

Suggested correction: If something (telescope data) is within the standard deviation, it is not statistically significant. Dr. Prakash's response would make sense.


That is not what "standard deviation" means.


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Suggested correction: He says "eintreten."


Ants on a Log and a Cheating Winker - S7-E4

Other mistake: Sheldon (in the voice-over) says "it really brought what's his name and I closer together." The grammatically correct expression is "brought what's his name and ME closer together", and a stickler like Sheldon would not make that mistake.


Pilot - S1-E1

Georgie: Admit it, he's adopted.
Sheldon: How can I be adopted when I have a twin sister? Think, monkey, think.
Missy: I wish I was adopted.
Mary: That can still be arranged.

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Answer: It is shown numerous time in The Big Bang Theory and Young Sheldon that Georgir Jr is not the smartest kid going. They simply tell him Sheldon is getting a hair cut as it is believable. It's also shown that Sheldon has had the same style hair cut since he was 5. Since he is 9 in Young Sheldon, he's had the same style for over 4 years already. Easy to overlook that he hadn't actually had it cut after that long.


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