
Superstore (2015)

16 continuity mistakes in season 3 - chronological order

(4 votes)

Grand Re-Opening - S3-E1

Continuity mistake: You can see Jeff in the scene holding a pair of garden clippers, once the camera switches to the crowd clapping and back to Jeff you will find that Jeff is no longer holding the garden clippers anymore, but they are leaning against the ribbon pole instead. (00:16:15)

Video Game Release - S3-E13

Continuity mistake: When Amy and Jonah open the small door to the dressing room, the man pulls his pants part of the way up and is holding them. When the camera angle changes, you can see him in the mirror and his pants are all the way down and his hands are at his side. It switches back and forth based on the camera angle.


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Black Friday - S2-E10

Cheyenne: Attention shoppers, the store is now closed. Not 'bring your items to the front' closed, I meant like get the hell out.


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Conspiracy - S6-E9

Trivia: The song playing when the customer puts the bracelet in her mask is "Been Caught Stealing" by Jane's Addiction.


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Show generally

Question: Does Mark McKinney wear a fatsuit for this series or did he gain weight in real life? I ask because he was on the skinny side when he was on Kids In The Hall and SNL as well as the many films he's been in. So which is the case?


Chosen answer: He's just gained weight. It looks like he slowly started gaining more weight around 2006 or so. In "Kids in the Hall: Death Comes to Town" (2010) he's noticeably heavier than his younger days (he was on SNL 21 years ago). By the time he was in "Man Seeking Woman" he looks very similar to how he looks in "Superstore."


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