
Daredevil (2015)

1 continuity mistake in In the Blood - chronological order

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In the Blood - S1-E4

Continuity mistake: Karen is talking to Urich in a diner as he is drinking from a mug. As she is saying there has to be a trail, the camera is behind Urich and pointing at him fiddling with his cup. In this shot, he places his thumb over the rim of the cup down inside it. Then in the next shot from over Karen's shoulder, suddenly he is just holding the cup normally. (00:12:24)

Quantom X

Penny and Dime - S2-E4

Character mistake: When Matt is talking to his priest Father Lantom, he says "it was a nice sermon" instead of "it was a nice homily." In the Catholic church "homily" is the correct word; sermons are Protestant. (00:11:30)

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World on Fire - S1-E5

Trivia: During their dinner, Vanessa mentions a prince in a white suit and an ascot, to which Fisk replies, "it's a bit much." In the comics Fisk has been drawn almost exclusively in a white suit and ascot.


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Question: Are there any obvious nods to the previous 2003 film version? A friend said he thought he caught a few subtle nods to it, but I don't recall seeing any during the first two seasons.

Answer: There are none. Only nods to the comics.


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